A cellphone displaying a photo of Elon Musk placed on a computer monitor filled with Twitter logos.

You'll be able to add a blue checkmark to your profile with the new version of the subscription. With Musk's move to paid checkmarks raising concerns about impersonation, there is a new official label for notable accounts.

The official label roll out is already chaotic. Ars Technica had the official tag for a short time today, but it vanished. Maybe the tags are gone for good.

"I just killed it," Musk wrote when Brownlee asked why his official tag was gone.

Esther Crawford said that the official tag system isn't being killed completely after Musk said that it might have ended. She said that the official label is still going out as part of the launch. The fact that we're not giving individuals the official label right now is what he mentioned.

It's not clear when the official tag will be used. She said that Musk was only referring to labels for individuals and that the official label was taken off Apple's account. The United States government official label does not apply to prominent government accounts. Before it was taken down, NASA had a new official label.


Musk: “Twitter will do lots of dumb things”

Musk claims that paid verification will bring power to the people, replacing the current lords and peasants system. If you pay $8 a month for a blue checkmark, you won't get an official tag that indicates whether or not your account is noteworthy.

"In addition to blue checkmarks, Twitter also applies visual identity signals like labels and badges on account profiles to provide more context about--and help distinguish--different types of accounts," the help page says. The official profile label is applied to government accounts, elected or appointed officials, political parties, commercial companies, major brands, media outlets and publishers.

State-affiliated media, government organizations, candidates for elected office, and automated accounts are some of the things that are labeled on the help page.

All of this could change at any time under Musk's unpredictable ownership style. Musk said that there will be a lot of dumb things happening on the social networking site. We will change what doesn't work.

Musk might have had second thoughts about the Official label system because it makes a blue checkmark less significant.