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Study unveils properties of the rapidly rotating magnetic star HD 345439
Upper panel: prewhitened light curve of HD 345439. Bottom panel: residual magnitudes after subtracting the light curve with the periodic signal. Credit: Shen et al, 2022

The Chinese have used the One-meter Wide-field Telescope to observe a rapidly rotating magnetic star. The results of the campaign were published on the arXiv pre-prints server.

Only a few magnetic O-type stars are known to date. The observations show that they have unique phenomena. The formation mechanism of magnetic fields in these stars is still not fully understood, so studying objects of this type is important to advance our knowledge.

HD 345439 is a giant magnetic star that is 7,000 light years away from the Earth. The star is seven times larger and nine times bigger than the sun, according to recent observations. The star has a polar magnetic strength of 10 kG and a longitudinal magnetic field with periodic variability.

In order to get more insight into the properties of this strange star, a team of astronomer conducted photometric observations in late 2020

The researchers wrote in the paper that they aim to provide more detailed characteristics of the rapidly rotating magnetic early-type star.

The shapes of the light curves show a double asymmetric S- wave feature in the star's magnetic clouds. The researchers think that the feature is caused by an offset between the center of the dipolar magnetic fields and the rotation axis.

The light curves were found to be in line with the data. There was no evidence of throbbing behavior in HD 345437.

The team was able to derive the period from NOWT data. It was determined that the star takes nearly 18 hours to circle its axis, which is in line with previous estimates.

HD 345439 has a radius of about 5.6 solar radii and a mass of eight solar mass, which is less than previously thought. The results show that the star is almost 27 million years old and has an effective temperature of 22,000 K. The distance was estimated to be over 6 thousand years.

There is more information about the rapidly rotating magnetic early-B star HD 345439. There is a link to this page.

Journal information: arXiv

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