The election of Brazil's president, known as "Lula", is being called a victory for the Amazon rain forest by environmentalists. Four years ago, the nation's far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, took office.
The fate of the Amazonia region is important to slowing climate change. More than two billion trees were cut down or burned in the Brazilian Amazon, many of them illegally, according to the Brazilian environmental research groups Imazon and MapBiomas. The scientists are concerned that the rain forest may be reaching a tipping point that will lead to dry savanna. Less rain and higher temperatures have been caused by fewer trees.
Legal protections for the forest and its Indigenous inhabitants were rolled back by Bolsonaro. During his campaign, the president-elect said that preserving the rain forest was one of his top priorities. He said that Brazil is ready to regain its leadership in the fight against climate change. The planet needs a living Amazon.
The new president will take office in January. Paulo de Bessa Antunes is an environmental law professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He was involved in many environmental cases.
Bessa Antunes decried the lawlessness of the Bolsonaro years but said that Brazil has excellent environmental regulations and highly motivated people in its agencies who are ready to help. According to his faith in the law, Bessa Antunes is optimistic about the chances of protecting Amazon forests.
The transcript of the interview has been changed.
There was a decrease in Amazon depredation under the previous administration. What challenges will he face that are different now?
We don't buy illegal timber, soy and beef from many countries nowadays. The modern industries in Brazil know that if foreign markets are closed to them, they will be left behind.
Is greater unity of the international community putting Lula in a better position than he was in the past?
I believe so. Brazil used to be a leader in the field of environmental issues. What happened with the Biden administration changing to the Trump administration is what I think other countries are feeling about Brazil. Things are moving quickly now. Climate change is currently under the umbrella of the environmental ministry, but that will not be the case with a dedicated climate change agency.
The Amazon was damaged by the administration of Bolsono. Is the government's rules still in place to allow for improved control?
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He tried to change some laws, but faced opposition from both the congress and the supreme court. The supreme court ruled in 90 percent of the cases that the changes were not in line with the law. More than a quarter of Brazil's land is protected by environmental law, which is higher than the world average. The lands of Indigenous people are not included.
The lobby that supports the expansion of soy and beef production is still strong. The congress in Brazil was more conservative. How much of a problem might this be for the environment?
Money talks louder than anything else. Market pressure is having an impact on the agricultural sector. Modern Brazilian agriculture needs to adapt in order to survive. Simone Tebet, who came in third in the first round of voting for the presidential election, and who is from the area of Mato Grosso, endorsed the president in the last election. This person is very skilled at arranging things with other people.
Increasing environmental protection, subsidizing sustainable farming, and reform of Brazil's tax code were some of the things that Lula advocated during his campaign. How will he pay for this?
Brazil is large. The Amazon rain forest is the most important environment in the world. Brazil is a green country. It is completely different from the US and China. Soft power of the environment is what our power is. The money from carbon credits will come from foreign aid if there is a clear program for protecting the environment. If Brazil can use this power, it will bring money and green development.
He wants to develop infrastructure as well. How can that happen while protecting the forest?
In the Amazon, infrastructure is in dire need. Basic rights of Indigenous and tribal peoples are established in the ILO 169 convention. The free and informed consent of traditional communities and Indigenous peoples can be used as a means of complying with the convention.
The rights of Indigenous people have been taken away. Their land has been invaded by gold miners and ranchers. What will happen to this?
There are rights for Indigenous people in Brazil's constitution. The rights existed despite Bolsonaro not complying with them. The level of protection in Indigenous areas will be raised by the creation of a new ministry for the original people. Someone will be at the head. This will change a lot. The previous agency had a lot of money to spare.
Some of the states are under right-wing leaders. State control of environmental policy.
The power of the states is more important in the U.S. The main player in Brazil is the union. The central government is very important to the states. Some right-wing state governments exist. They have to work with the federal government. The first meeting that Lula will have is with the governors. Tell me what you need. If you give me what I want, I'll give you what you want.
Does the public in Brazil think that the rain forest should be preserved?
There is no question that the population of So Paulo is committed to protecting the Amazon. There are two ways to look at this in the Amazon. The other person is from traditional communities and Indigenous communities. Some people think that environmental protections don't help the economy. This kind of thinking is not common. The illegal actors will receive a message. It won't be the whole solution to the problem because it's very complex. The means for people there to survive is what we need for the Amazon. People in the Amazon are poor. If we can make them better people, they will support more environmental protection.
Does the political instability of recent years, with one president being impeached and anothergutling environmental regulations, give you pause?
I am a realist. Our society is a bit more mature after all the political chaos. It has been seen in people who supported Bolsonaro. The president of Brazil's Chamber ofDeputies said that he would be the next president. The president of the senate made the same statement. If we keep struggling, the political elite will not be able to help us. Everyone except for the far right is in an alliance with Lula. There will be a government. If we keep going, the future is likely to be better. I believe Brazilians are aware of this.