The crew of the International Space Station may have to wait on some essentials because of a cargo ship problem.

Four tons of supplies, including food, research equipment, and other hardware, are loaded onto the Cygnus cargo ship. After leaving the rocket and hitching a ride on, its journey to the International Space Station hit an unexpected hitch.

One of the solar panels that help power the craft failed to deploy. According to a brief NASA update,rop Grumman is gathering data on the second array deployment and is working closely with NASA.

Even with what power is left, the Cygnus is still on schedule, according to the company.

NASA is assessing this and the configuration required for capture and berthing after it was reported that Cygnus has enough power to rendezvous with the International Space Station.

The Expendable

The Cygnus is one of 18 built and deployed in the last decade to deliver supplies to the International Space Station. The first American woman in space was the inspiration for the current iteration.

Cygnus does not return to Earth in one piece. They are meant to be expendable. After docking with the International Space Station, astronauts load the Cygnus with trash. The freighter is thrown into the atmosphere where it burns up.

The hiccup in its journey to the International Space Station may have given it a little more time to enjoy the world before it is destroyed.

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