The Emergency SOS via Satellite feature will allow users to send text messages to emergency services when they are outside the range of cellular and wi-fi. Apple says the feature will launch in November, and while the company has yet to provide a more specific release date, we have outlined the most likely time frame below.

Emergency SOS via Satellite will be available with an Apple software update in November 2022, according to a document. Emergency SOS via Satellite will likely be enabled with the upcoming release of iOS 16. 1.1, which is already in testing, and should address issues related to wi-fi and the SKAd Network.

There is no evidence that Emergency SOS via Satellite will be enabled with the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system, but there is a chance that it will launch before Thanksgiving.

In the United States and Canada, Emergency SOS via Satellite will be free for the first two years, which suggests that Apple might be planning to charge for the service one day. The feature will be added to additional countries by the end of next year, according to reports.

It can take over a minute for a message to be sent under trees with light or medium foliage, but Apple says it can take 15 seconds to send via satellite. If you want to learn more about the feature, read our guide.