The zombie apocalypse.
The trial of Eugene Porter in the eleventh season of The Walking Dead is a farce. The trial is rigged from the beginning. It was almost naive of Yumiko to think that she could represent her client in a system where justice is decided by one woman.
That was not a real thing. You don't have power if you don't control the guns. It seems like the end for our blubbering coward when Eugene is sentenced to death. He has cheated death before and he might do it again. The general is waiting for him when he gets to the prison cells. The bag was taken off of his head by his troops.
Mercer said it was time to eff shit up. Eugene seemed shocked. During the mock trial, Mercer didn't raise his hand. Maybe the warrior was just planning things. He kept his cards close to his body.
In tonight's episode, Faith, there were other betrayals. Or the only thing that's different. When Negan gets in trouble for fighting with the guards and they lose a map they've made when he's searched, there's a chance they'll fight.
He doesn't deserve to be a father because he doesn't know what he took from him, and he doesn't want to be friends with them. He says that he can tell by your face that you don't know what he's saying.
The zombie apocalypse.
I was with him. I had to look him up to remember what happened to Benjamin. It was during a shakedown. Benjamin was shot in the thigh by the Savior after a fight. Benjamin bled out and passed away. This was the result of having to pay the Saviors and Negan protection money, but they weren't the ones who shot them. His destructive leadership style made it almost impossible for him to reconcile with his current character.
We come to the first change of mind. Annie begged the firing squad to let her husband go when he was dragged out into the yard to be made an example of. Making an example out of both of them is a better idea than killing a pregnant woman to set an example because of the consequences.
The man was moved by the pleas of the man to only kill him and spare his wife. Do you know what you're doing? "What do you think?" He turned his attention to the Stormtroopers after he was asked if he knew. He said you don't have to do this.
More and more prisoners are standing between the firing squad and Annie. There are lots of extras. The Commonwealth boss admires the bravery of the person. You should shoot them all.
The guard who beat up the villain has changed his mind. We came to our second betrayal.
One thing is being ordered to shoot a man. He might be with his wife. Is it possible to shoot a group of people to death? He was part of his own community at one time. It is too far away.
All but one of the other soldiers lowered theirs as he lowered his gun. He turned it on the leader. A guard is shot and the commander grabs Kelly and puts a pistol to her head, backing away with his hostage.
When the commander is about to be killed, Rosita uses the threat of a zombie to ask about her daughter. It is odd that he smiles and says "everything will be taken from you", when you are about to lose everything. Some people are pretty smart.
Hershel is the only missing child. The others are still missing.
The zombie apocalypse.
When they come across some old friends in Oceanside, they will be joined by Lydia. I wanted to know what happened to his new girlfriend, Jules. At one point, they vanished.
They traveled all the way to Oceanside, where they found the Commonwealth. Jerry wanted to fight them but Rachel wouldn't let him. It's all news to the man who left the Commonwealth thinking everything was hunky-dory and assumed his friends were okay.
Lydia uses the whole zombie guts and blood on our clothes trick to blend in with a group of people. I don't enjoy this trick anymore. They had to remove the blood and guts from their faces as well. They did it by wearing zombie-face masks. They are now invisible to zombies. Nick in Fear The Walking Dead lived in zombie offal during the second season of the show.
Lydia drops her knife and a zombie grabs it, which is the most interesting part of the plot. I am intrigued and think it is cool, but I feel like it is weird to introduce this so late in the game. We only have two more episodes to go.
When you think about it, it's pretty crazy. The zombie drama's spinoffs mean that some things never really die, but this show is over for good. We knew from the beginning that he wasn't going to be killed. He has a spinoff about to come up. Thanks for letting us know about it. As I noted in my last review, the lack of any kind of effort that has gone into making Annie anything other than a damsel in distress is what has made her so special. It's hard to find meaning in their relationship since they just told us that they love each other and want to protect their unborn child. This isn't how you make a compelling drama where you care about the characters.
Overall, I liked that scene. Even if Benjamin was a bit silly, I thought it was a powerful moment when Ezekiel came around and saved Negan.
The zombie apocalypse.
This show has failed its bad guys this season. I have said before how boring Pamela is. I don't know why they didn't have Hornsby become the true villain of the season or just lose Pamela altogether. They got rid of the wrong one after we didn't need them.
The villains in Season 11 have this in common. The guy was enlisted by Hornsby to help with the community. People were thrown off the roof. They killed him off right away. In tonight's episode, why not combine his character with a zombie. We can really dislike his guts if he lives for a longer period of time. We get two different bad guys who we never get to know well.
Another really good episode. I feel like it's too little, too late. We spent a lot of time getting nowhere fast in the Commonwealth this season. It isn't the kind of season you'd want to watch a second time, and all feels overshadowed by the more compelling Whisperer arcs.
This doesn't feel like the end of The Walking Dead. There is nothing wild about a show that is racing towards the finish line. Think of Breaking Bad, a show that didn't just build up in terms of action and tension, but also in terms of its characters reaching their breaking points. Many of the people in his life had been ruined by him, and there was a lot to resolve between him and them.
They can't come up with a reference to a character who died four years ago.
What did you think of the show? You can let me know on social media.