The zombie apocalypse.
This review is late for me. I won't give you excuses. AMC has not given us much to look forward to in the eleventh and final season of The Walking Dead.
The Commonwealth storyline has been a disaster. At the same time, goofy and dull at the same time. Lance was killed off in the last episode of the season. Pamela is not interesting or plausible in the least.
The pace is finally picking up and last Sunday's episode marks the beginning of a more exciting arcs just in time for this show to wrap up.
I will keep a brief recap of Episode 21 since I will be reviewing Episode 22 and 23 today.
There are two people with the same last name: Negan and Ezekiel.
Some of our heroes are captured, some escape, some plan their escape, and some chase down the capturers. There are children who have been taken and who are not known.
The prisoners are taken on a busload of prisoners to a work camp where they are expected to carry sticks and rocks around. It is very similar to a work camp, but I will let it slide.
Kelly would like to escape since there are so few guards, but he is cautious. For the first time, the Stormtroopers can shoot with deadly accuracy, and they can mow down escapees without ceremony.
In order to hatch an escape plan, he enlisted the assistance of Ezekiel. He is concerned about Annie, who was taken away. The man is unhappy about working with the man. "For the shit I've done, I probably deserve to be here," he said. It's right. It doesn't fit my wife and baby that's on its way.
The only way to get prisoners to revolt is through hope. That's your thing, you know what I mean. It is not my thing.
There is a person namedDaryl.
The prisoners are in a truck. They broke free and caused the truck to crash. There are two people in the dirt.
A child zombie walks towards a group of people. With the soldier distracted,Maggie stabbed him through the arm and grabbed his gun.
Two people are looking for their friends after the killing of another person. All three groups will come together soon. Gabriel got some information out of the dying Stormtrooper.
The train comes and they waylay it. One of the Stormtroopers tried to hold her at gun point, but they took the conductor prisoner and freed her.
The Stormtrooper was caught off guard when she escaped on a motorcycle. Carol shoots at him and misses, and Daryl chases him down. There is a fun chase. When the bad guy runs off on foot, Daryl does a motorcycle slide under a fallen tree move that knocks the goon to the ground. Without warning, Daryl took out his knife and killed him. We could have used more of these throughout the season but we are getting them now.
When the train conductor is taken prisoner, he tells them that there is a map in the train that will show them where everyone is going. The conductor killed himself because he didn't want his family to be killed. It's really sad.
They get in radio contact with the Commonwealth, pretending to be members of the convoy who got separated and asking for directions to meet up. The answer was unexpected. The camp is called Alexandria and it's a prison camp. At the end of the show, the rest are taken. The first stop along the way was a place called "move sticks and rocks"
Pam is going to pay. She won't see it coming.
There is a person namedConnie.
The missed opportunities for this final season to have been so much better is one of the issues I am having with this show. The story beats they chose to skip over are important ones that could have helped flesh out this final confrontation.
He talks about how much he loves Annie and how she has made him a better man. He is willing to sacrifice himself for Annie, despite the fact that he can't. We weren't able to see them meet We didn't get to know how they fell in love. The audience should be interested in Annie the same way they are interested in Negan. The whole thing was skipped over. We spent a lot of time with our group fighting the random Reaver group.
It's the same for the bloated cast. We have spent too much time this season introducing new characters or hopping between established secondary characters instead of focusing on the core group. This is something I liked about this episode. The focus has been narrowed down to two groups, the first and the second, and they both have different characters. It feels more focused now.
There is a person namedMaggie.
There are a lot of scattered thoughts.
The episode was a good one. It has been a long time since we made up for lost time. The pacing was better this season, with fun action scenes and some dramatic twists and turns. No Eugene romance, no ice cream, no protesters at the Commonwealth chanting, knowing that their families will be killed and they will all be sent far away to work camps.
What were you thinking? You can let me know on social media.