The clitoris is a big part of the human body.

Research on our clitoris has been superficial in the past, and even the tiny part that we know now is not always right.

According to new findings presented at a scientific meeting in October, the clitoris is double the size of the penis.

The results of the study are on track for proper scrutiny.

The numbers that are cited for the innervation of the glans penis and glans clitoris come from studies on cows.

The numbers have been there for a long time. Blair Peters is a plastic surgeon at Oregon Health and Science University's school of medicine.

Peters works with a deep understanding of human sex organs. Peters obtained clitoral nerve tissue from volunteers who underwent gender affirming genital surgery.

The average number of nerve fibers in the clitoral nerve is 5,140 and there are two of them.

The total number of nerve endings in the wishbone-shaped organ ranges from 9,852 to 11,086 fibers.

The number of nerve fibers in the human clitoral nerve is estimated by Peters's study.

More than 10,000 nerve fibers are concentrated in something as small as clitoris. When you compare the clitoris to other parts of the body, it's surprising.

Peters says that the median nerve has high nerve fiber density. It's larger than a pleasure organ and has 18,000 nerve fibers.

The head of a male penis is larger than that of a female penis. Peters is going to find out.

It is said that the clitoris is twice as sensitive as a penis, but there is more to it than that. The sex organs probably have the same number of nerve endings.

The nerve endings are in certain places.

The clitoris has more variability in nerve density than the glans, according to initial studies. It's likely that some parts of the clitoris are more sensitive than others.

Peters hopes that a better understanding of how sex organs are innervated can help surgeons with successful reconstructions of the clitoris and penis.

There is something profound about the fact that gender-affirming care is becoming more commonplace.

All boats are lifted by a rising tide. They will harm everyone.

The Sexual Medicine Society of North America and the International Society for Sexual Medicine hosted the meeting.