The tiger sharks are very strong. While other shark species fled waters during storms, tiger sharks didn't even flinch, according to research.
They have a new role that could help improve their reputation.
Researchers attached cameras and tracking devices to the fins of tiger sharks in order to measure the extent of seagrass in the Bahamas.
According to the researchers, the world's largest known seagrassecosystem stretches across up to 92,000 sq km of the Caribbean sea. According to the study published in Nature Communications on 1 November, this discovery adds more than 40% to the known global seagrass coverage.
According to the report's co-author, Prof Carlos Duarte of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, the finding shows how far away we are from exploring the oceans.
Estimates of the global area of the seagrass meadow range from 160,000 sq km to 1.6 million sq km. It's difficult to map in deep or cloudy water because of the lack of planes or satellites.
Is it possible to replant seagrass by hand?
The seagrass meadow needs to be confirmed at the site. Sending human divers to take pictures on the ocean floor is very time consuming.
The tiger sharks are not the same as the others. The highly mobile animals have a large range and spend a lot of time in the seagrass meadow. They are unburdened by mundane human constraints such as needing a boat and having to surface frequently.
Satellite and radio tags were attached to the dorsal fins of seven sharks over the course of two years. Circle hook drumlines were used to catch the animals. Beneath the Waves, a marine science non-profit, and co-author of the report, said that it is the safest way to catch sharks.
They attached the cameras to the animals using a method similar to that of a pit crew. It took about 10 minutes for each camera to be tied on. Scientists were able to pick up the package after it floated to the surface.
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Richard Unsworth said that using marine animals like this opens a window on to the marine world and can help answer questions about the climate and biodiversity crises. Unsworth was not involved in the study. He said that they can't protect it if they don't know where it is.
Seagrasses are important nurseries and feeding grounds for many marine species. They are a major source of "blue carbon", trapping and storing vast amounts of carbon in the sea, making them a vital tool in addressing the climate crisis.
They are threatened by a variety of factors including boating and shipping. Approximately 7% of the seagrasses are lost annually. Over the last few centuries, the UK has lost most of its seagrass.
The researchers hope that their discovery will lead to better protections for seagrass in the Bahamas, as well as a push to mine for aragonite, but also worldwide. Seagrass is one of the best allies and assets that we have to try to mitigate the effects of climate change.
He thinks there will be many more partnerships with marine animals. They are taking us to places we didn't know existed.