Many teams doing essential work at the company have been cut off as a result of the cuts made by Musk. The news of layoffs swept the platform on Friday, showing that the billionaire owner of the micro-messaging service is trying to trim the team by half.

The actions Musk took on the same day that he complained about the activists will make advertisers more cautious about his ability to steer a ship with a skeleton crew. Even though he only owned the company for a single week, it is impossible to imagine that the layoffs won't cause problems at the company.

The former employees affected by the layoffs described a chaotic situation with little official communication after they were terminated or saw their access to internal tools revoked. Some employees don't know if their colleagues are still employed or if their teams still exist, because of the information vacuum created by Musk's disorganized and sudden approach to the layoffs.

The cuts affect everything from the safety team that handles content moderation to the marketing department. The teams that were eliminated or hit hard by the layoffs are listed here.

Human Rights

Shannon Raj Singh shared that the human rights team was eliminated. Activists, journalists, and people affected by conflicts like the war in Ukraine were protected by the team.

Yesterday was my last day at Twitter: the entire Human Rights team has been cut from the company.

I am enormously proud of the work we did to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights, to protect those at-risk in global conflicts & crises including Ethiopia,

— Shannon Raj Singh (@ShannonRSingh) November 4, 2022

Accessibility Experience

The accessibility experience team was cut by the company in order to improve the product for people with disabilities. A lot of work was still being done by the team before it was dissolved.

So, the Accessibility Experience Team at Twitter is no longer. We had so much more to do, but we worked hard! There aren't very many people that have had the opportunity to make such an important global platform like Twitter accessible, but we understood the mission.

— Gerard K. Cohen (@gerardkcohen) November 4, 2022

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