7:25 PM AST

Pierry Duvan Ramirez will be taking in his surroundings at the New York City Marathon as he continues his quest to race all six World Marathon Majors. The 46-year-old Colombian national, who is paralyzed from the waist down, will use a specially equipped handcycle wheelchair to reach the finish line, after which he will return to the more standard model he has used for nearly three decades.

The consequences of the illegal drug trade of the 1990s changed Ramirez's life but his sense of service has not. He has been a part of the organization since 2007, which was founded in the US to provide support for differently abled athletes.

Ramirez said the happiness he feels when fulfilling his duties motivates him. I feel a lot of satisfaction to be able to share my experience with others and change their lives because of it.

Ramirez has competed in marathons and other long distance races for the past 15 years despite helping more than 50 athletes with disabilities.

The patrol vehicle in which Ramirez was a passenger was targeted by a bomb planted by the guerrillas as he was completing his military service in the country. The officer lost control of the vehicle after the explosion. Ramirez was left paralyzed from the waist down after he was injured in the spine.

The amputation of Ramirez's right leg was not the result of the bone injury. He wouldn't let these circumstances affect him. He went on to earn a degree in speech therapy from a university in South America.

Most of the races he was able to compete in were limited to 5 or 10K circuits. He joined the group because of his desire for bigger challenges on and off the track.

I looked at options so I could compete in races after I was in a wheelchair. Ramirez said that he was able to compete outside of his home country.

He's competed in marathons in Miami and Boston. Three years ago, Ramirez traveled to Washington D.C. to join a group of differently abled athletes who were honored at the White House and Congress.

He had never run a marathon before.

He said that he didn't know much about the race in Berlin until he was there.

As part of his work to empower himself and other differently abled athletes, Ramirez works as a program coordinator for the international narcotics and law enforcement survivor assistance program. The organization helps people who have been injured in the line of duty.

Pierry Duvan Ramirez hopes to inspire other differenly abled athletes while he pursues his own set of goals. Achilles International/Pierry Duvan Ramirez

Through the program, Ramirez has been able to work with athletes from both countries. Each year, Ramirez hosts U.S. military officers who participate in races with members of the same chapter. Ramirez has worked with Americans who served in conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam.

Pierry has a connection with the U.S. Embassy and the Colombian National Police. "He knows a catastrophic injury doesn't have to stop you, and he wants to show others there is so much more that is possible." Something special about this partnership is that it ignites the service element within them to pay it forward.

Ramirez will compete in Chicago, London, and Tokyo after competing in New York City. He would join a select group of runners called " Six Star Finishers" if he completed these marathons. Ramirez hopes the distinction will inspire others to follow his example and drive more differently abled people to pursue athletic endeavors.

The first Parapan American cycling competition was held in 2007, and Ramirez was the former president of the Colombian Paralympics. The country's best performance at the competition was achieved by 61 athletes who won 24 medals. There were seven people on the podium for athletics, including a silver medal for Darian Jimenez.

Pierry, who served on the frontlines, was honored by us. Emily Glasser, president and CEO of Achilles, said that the company is here to encourage them to achieve their goals. Pierry shows how a run can change lives.

In New York City, Ramirez says he'll prioritize focus in order to complete the task at hand, as he does for most races, but will also allow himself to bask in the surroundings of one of the world's great races.

Ramirez said that they can do anything in life. There are two different ways to get around. Is it possible to be happy on the other side? We can all be that.