I recommend travelers not to check a bag when they fly if you subscribe to my daily travel tips newsletter. It is almost impossible for many, including me, when I travel with my children. We should rent a U-Haul for all of their stuff. There are things you don't need to pack. If you do check a bag, make sure it stands out, because black bags are the most common, get lost in a sea of other black bags and get misplace the most. A baggage expert told me not to check in a black suitcase. In the world, it is the most common suitcase. It is considered to be the default bag type. You want to be the green one if your bag is missing. The rest of his tips can be found here. Since the spring, when it was apparent that airlines and airports were understaffed, I have been telling travelers to put an Apple AirTag or a SAMSUNG SmartTag in their bag. The travel product of the year is these $28 gadgets. Many vacations have been ruined due to mishandled bags. If you're going to a remote tropical destination, you want to always pack a day or two's worth of clothing in your carry-on, along with your valuables, medications and a bathing suitThis post contains references to products from one or more of our advertisers. We may receive compensation when you click on links to those products. For an explanation of our Advertising Disclosure, visit this page.
An Apple AirTag has been in my carry-on for a while. I want to be able to get the stuff the thieves left behind.
Well, wouldn’t you know it. It seems like the executives over at T-Mobile must be reading my emails because today, they announced a new product, which they sent me to check out, just in time for holiday travels. It’s called The Un-carrier On, which is a new, limited-edition, magenta smart carry-on suitcase. Yep, you read that right.
Mike Sievert is the CEO of T-Mobile. A suitcase is being launched by T-Mobile. We are the Un-carrier and travel is one of our bags. We decided to make one. There is a bag The bag is actually a bag.
The Un-carrier On is available for pre-order today at TravelMagenta.com for $325 plus tax, and will be shipped for free.
The suitcase has a wireless charging capability. There are additional features.
T-Mobile has the best plan for international travelers, with free high-speed data in over 200 countries. T-Mobile users can get free wi-fi on the largest US airlines.
You will always have your own charging station with you wherever you go, that's one of the reasons this is a great suitcase. I wrote about the dangers of using public charging stations. The practice is called juice jacking and it means that a cyber criminal can hack into public charging stations and then into your phone where they can download malicious software. You will have one less thing to worry about if you use your own portable charger or suitcase.
Keep reading.
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