Image for article titled You've Been Playing 'Super Mario Bros.' Wrong Your Whole Life

There is a game called Super Mario Bros. Save states and level passwords aren't luxuries. It is game over when you die. You need to start from scratch if you want to play again, even if you lost your third life on the first level. Or so we thought, right?

Millions have been humiliated and defeated while playing Super Mario Bros. It is enough to progress through 32 levels of Mushroom Kingdom, only to lose to the beast in the game's final moments. Is it possible to be subjected to a return to the old show, followed by a cheerful song? It's a form of torture.

There wasn't any reason to replay the entire game whenever you lost. Even if you get too many game overs, you can restart the World you died on. It's not necessary to have a game genie.

I'll let you collect yourself.

The Super Mario Bros. secret has been on the internet for a long time, but now it's on TikTok. It has woken up another group of people to the hidden secret of the NES era with over 2 million views and 108,000 likes.

This trick can be used with any version of the original Super Mario Bros., so you can try it out and see if you like it. Allow the game to come back to the title screen when you die. Press the Start button if you want to. The game will restart at the first level of the last world you died in.

You'll see 4-1 if you die in World 4-1. You start at 7-1 if you lose in World 3-7. You have to play through all the levels of the world you have already beaten.