Mars was once warm and wet, according to scientists. Around 4 billion years ago, the planet was home to a large ocean according to the Mars Ocean hypothesis. The ocean filled the basin in the north. The basin is less than 3 miles from Mars.

There is a new map of Mars.

The new map is presented in a new study. The lead author of the study is a professor at Penn State University.

Aeolis Dorsa is the focus of the map. About 500 km wide and 900 km long, Aeolis Dorsa is a trough in Mars' northern hemisphere. The plains to the east and west of the region are called Aeolis Planum. There are steep slopes to the south. The region is east of the crater.

This figure from the study is a Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter-derived topographic map showing Aeolis Dorsa between Aeolis Planum and Zephyria Planum. These features are located along the boundary between the high southern hemisphere and the low northern hemisphere. Aeolis Serpens is Mars' longest ancient riverbed and is mapped as a black line extending 900 km through Aeolis Dorsa. MSL Curiosity is at work in the Gale crater (unlabelled) about 750 km to the west. Image Credit: NASA/Benjamin Cardenas/Penn State.
This figure from the study is a Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter-derived topographic map showing Aeolis Dorsa between Aeolis Planum and Zephyria Planum. These features are located along the boundary between the high southern and low northern hemispheres. Aeolis Serpens is Mars’ longest ancient riverbed and is mapped as a black line extending 900 km through Aeolis Dorsa. MSL Curiosity is at work in the Gale crater (unlabelled) about 750 km to the west. Image Credit: NASA/Benjamin Cardenas/Penn State.

The shoreline of an ancient ocean is said to be located in the Aeolis Dorsa region. It is the most dense region of fluvial ridges on Mars. luvial ridges are troughs carved by water and may be eroded. The researchers took pictures of the region from different angles. There is a 3.5 billion year old shoreline. There are deposits over 900 meters deep in the region that have changed shape over time.

The topographic map helped the researchers show definitive evidence of a roughly 3.5-billion-year-old shoreline with substantial sedimentary accumulation, at least 900 meters thick, that covered hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. Credit: Benjamin Cardenas / Penn State. Creative Commons
The topographic map helped the researchers show definitive evidence of a roughly 3.5-billion-year-old shoreline with substantial sedimentary accumulation, at least 900 meters thick, that covered hundreds of thousands of square kilometres. Credit: Benjamin Cardenas / Penn State. Creative Commons

The authors organized Aeolis Dorsa's fluvial ridges into 20 systems. The edges of the ancient ocean are defined by eroded remnants of river Deltas.

This figure from the study shows how the authors grouped Aeolis Dorsa's fluvial ridges into 20 networks. The networks are numbered in order of increasing median elevation of ridge tops, with 19 being the highest.
This figure from the study shows how the authors grouped Aeolis Dorsa’s fluvial ridges into 20 networks. The networks are numbered in order of increasing median elevation of ridge tops, with 19 being the highest. “AS” marks the feature named Aeolis Serpens. Image Credit: Benjamin Cardenas / Penn State.

Scientists know how much geological information there is in the Aeolis Dorsa basin. Scientists refer to the basins asstratigraphic succession because they have a record of deposits over time. There's a lot of resources in the basins. Coal, natural gas, and oil are found in these basins.

Mars doesn't have these resources but the basins do.

The rocks in Aeolis Dorsa capture some interesting information about the ocean. It was moving fast. The sea level went up a lot. It was being deposited at a rapid rate. There was a lot of changes here.

This research was important because of theigraphy. There are layers of rock. The theoretical groundwork was established by Nicholas Steno in 1669. Scientists use it to track changes in waterways over time. The record of Earth's changing climate and evolving life can be found in stragraphic records.

It makes sense to look for basins on Mars. We need water to understand Mars. Changing water levels can cause the shoreline to advance and retreat.

We reconstructed by grouping landforms based on their positions.

The paleogeography at Aeolis Dorsa is different from the modern one. A scale consistent with a northern ocean on a warm and wet early Mars was used to track the initial regression and transgression of a shoreline.