According to an internal email obtained by The Washington Post, the company is considering allowing users to put video behind a paywall. Users would be able to enable the "Paywalled Video" feature after adding video content to atweet, and then choose from preset prices, such as $1, $2, $5, or $10 The content would be viewed by other users regardless of whether or not they paid to see it.

The Washington Post doesn't know if the plans before Musk's acquisition of the social media company were in place. A Super Follows feature that lets users pay for subscriber-only content is one of the non-advertising sources of revenue that has been explored by the company.

There is a chance that the feature will launch in a couple of weeks.

The purchase of the company seems to have accelerated the pivot. The CEO publicly announced plans to charge $8 a month to be verified on the social media network, a radical shift for a feature that had previously been free of charge for public figures. The new video paywall feature will be launched by the end of the month, according to WaPo.

As a result of the tight deadline, the internal review teams have less than a week to evaluate the risks of charging for video content on the service. Users are at risk of uploading copyrighted content and paying for it.

There are questions about how paywalled videos may be used. One of the few major social media networks to allow such content, the company estimates that around 13 percent of the content posted on its network is NSFW. Advertisers and payment providers are hesitant about working with pornography sites if users are allowed to charge for it. Plans to launch an OnlyFans-style paid subscription service were put on hold due to concerns about child sexual abuse imagery.