Negative reviews on other products can give a more authentic look to a reviewer's profile. Many of these reviewers are people who already shop on Amazon and are interested in a free item.
It's about gaming the system.
It is not known how Amazon calculates its star ratings. The machine-learning model used by the company includes a number of factors, including the reviewer's past behavior, whether purchases are verified, and how recently a review is. The model for detecting fake reviews has improved over time, but the techniques used by the scam artist have not.
The review farms used to use Markov chain generators to create rudimentary sentences. Saoud Khalifah is the founder of Fakespot, a company that finds and removes fake reviews. They're using machine-learning models to find old reviews and re-read them.
It was courtesy of Rajvardhan Oak.
After receiving a product that looked like someone made it in a garage as a side project, Khalifah decided to start Fakespot from his bedroom. He started by creating a program that could detect text generators, but then began to stir in other attributes found in fake reviews. After setting up a website, passing it on to friends and family, and quitting his job at Goldman Sachs, he went full time into fakespot.
Adding the Fakespot app to your browser will allow you to analyze reviews across a variety of retailers. Fakespot has more than 12 billion reviews in its database and uses machine-learning models to analyze listings. One model looks at how people write and another looks at links to promotional groups. There is a secret sauce that Fakespot has.
The strategy of shutting down fraudsters is working for us.
There's not much Fakespot can do when it comes to fake reviews on social media. Amazon has been fighting it for a long time.
There are teams dedicated to uncovering and investigating fake reviews. Our expert investigators, lawyers, analysts, and other specialists track down brokers, piece together evidence about how they operate, and then we take legal action against them. The strategy of shutting down fraud is working, and we are committed to keeping reviews trustworthy.