About 10,000 more nerve fibers are contained in the clitoris nerve than was previously thought. Medical researchers counted the fibers for the first time, discovering this.

Blair Peters is an assistant professor of surgery at the Oregon Health and Science University.

He said that the 8,000 number was a fake. The number comes from a line in a book called "The Clitoris".

Rubin is an assistant clinical professor of urology at Georgetown University and a urologist and sexual medicine specialist at a private practice in the D.C. area. The cow-derived stat has been used many times without being fact checked.

There are a lot of organs in the human body.

Peters and his colleagues looked at the clitoris' two dorsal nerves, which are dense bundles of nerve fibers that send signals from the clitoris to the brain. The nerves that run down the clitoral shaft relay information about touch, pressure and pain to the other nerves.

An average of 5,140 nerve fibers were found in the samples. The clitoris has about 10,280 nerve fibers that allow sensation in the pleasure- producing organ. The findings were presented at a meeting of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America and the International Society for Sexual Medicine in October.

Peters said that the 10,000 fibers all plug into the clitoral glans, where the labia minora meet. The median nerve has 18,000 nerve fibers and runs through the wrist. He said that the surface area of the clitoral glans was ten times higher than the hand.

A picture showing the internal anatomy of the human vulva, focusing on the anatomy and location of the clitoris.

This diagram shows the anatomy of the human vulva, with the clitoral hood and labia minora indicated as lines. The clitoral glans (1) is the visible portion of the clitoris, while the rest of the organ is internal.  (Image credit: Diagram (Left): Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons; Infographic by Live Science)

Peters wanted to inform his work as a plastic and reconstructive surgeon specializing in gender-affirming surgeries, such as gender-affirming phalloplasty or the surgical construction of a penis from other tissues in the body.

In order to create a penis capable of erogenous sensation, surgeons take tissue from an area of the body with an adequate supply of nerves. Once the phallus is made, the nerves are connected to the nerves in the pelvis, which in turn will start sending signals to the brain.

Peters wanted to take a closer look at the nerves that connect when we make a penis.

Research into the vagina's basic structure could aid in the diagnosis and treatment of nerve injury and help surgeons navigate procedures without causing damage.

Seven patients who underwent phalloplasties and volunteered to donate their clitoral tissue made the new research possible. The donated tissues were stained blue and then magnified 1,000 times in order to count individual nerve fibers.

The patients had testosterone therapy. There is some evidence that testosterone can boost nerve regeneration in the context of an injury, but it shouldn't change the number of fibers present. They said it would be worth repeating the study with tissue samples from women who had never had testosterone. People undergoing surgery are more likely to have samples from their bodies.

Rubin said that the research shows how little is known about the clitoris. Modern doctors have huge knowledge gaps due to biases in medical research.

She said that it's likely that no doctor has ever asked about orgasm. It's not because it's not worth anything.