A pile of 100 dollar bills and a smartphone bearing Elon Musk's Twitter page.

As long as you have $8 in your wallet, the best way to fix the current verification system is to allow anyone to be a verified user.

Musk said on Tuesday that he had a plan to fix his platform. His other recent leaks and declarations were covered in it. According to reports, Musk wanted to charge $20 a month for the blue checkmark for verified users.

If you pay $8 a month, you will get priority in replies, mentions, and search results, which will make you a better user. Half as many ads would be seen by verified users if they shared longer videos and audio posts.

He said it was meant to help deal with the internet. Stephen King complained about the proposed $20-a-month price tag saying "Fuck that, they should pay me." Musk responded saying "Fuck that, they should pay me." I'm going to be like Enron if that happens. Musk said we needed to pay the bills. The billionaire posted that making people pay for verification was the only way to beat the bots.

This new revenue will be used to reward content creators according to the new owner. If a quarter of verified users paid $20 for their blue checkmark, the company would only make about $24 million. Content creators can make money through Ticketed Spaces and Super Follows. The price points for Super Follows are going up. 99% of revenue under $50,000 and 20% above that price is earned by creators.

Reports at the time said that Super Follows did not generate much revenue. Since Sarah Personette, the former Chief Customer Officer, resigned from her position last Friday after Musk's takeover, it makes sense that they wouldn't answer the question about how much the program has made.

Musk wants to bring back the short-form video platform, which could be another way for creators to make money.

Making people pay for verification would ruin the system. A verification sticker is used to limit misinformation and restrict people from pretending to be public figures. Verification has been used against some regimes.

He said that there would be a secondary tag below the name for someone who is a public figure.

Musk has been blowing up his favorite social platform since he became the owner of the blue bird app. Many users were upset with Musk's recent actions, such as platforming a conspiracy theory about the attack against Pelosi's husband.