Five minutes of crackling audio was released by the European Space Agency.

Earth's internal magnetism, called the magnetosphere, creates a comet-shaped field around the surface of the planet that protects it from harmful solar and particle radiation, as well as erosion of the atmosphere by the solar wind.

Magnetic signals were taken by researchers from the Technical University ofDenmark and converted to sound.

The five-minute audio includes eerie creaks and crackling sounds, as well as deep breathing-like sounds that were described on social media as " petrifying" and " spine-tingling"

The recording has been broadcasted on the loudspeaker three times a day. It will be played every day at 8 a.m., 1 p.m., and 7 p.m.

The European Space Agency was given access to a very interesting sound system that was dug into the ground at the Solbjerg Square in Copenhagen.

The sound of Earth's magnetic field is accompanied by a representation of a geomagnetic storm that occurred in November of 2011.

Insider's requests for comment from representatives of the European Space Agency were not responded to.