Herschel Walker, the GOP Senate candidate in Georgia, seems to be a celebrity who wants to be a politician, according to Barack Obama.

According to Newsweek, Obama made the remarks at a Democratic campaign event in College Park, Georgia, on Friday, where he was campaigning for the incumbent senator.

There is very little evidence that he has taken any interest, bothered to learn anything about or displayed any kind of inclination towards public service or volunteer work. It makes you suspect that we don't know about it.

"Seems to me he's a celebrity who wants to be a politician and we've seen how that goes," Obama said of Walker in an apparent nod to Trump.

According to CNN, Obama was complimentary of Walker's history as a football player but wondered where that would help him as a senator.

Some of you may not know, but Herschel Walker was a great football player. He was really good in college. One of the greatest runners of all time. Do you think that makes him the best person to represent you in the Senate? Is it possible that he will be able to weigh in on important decisions about our economy and foreign policy?

Walker has been in the habit of saying one thing and doing another and being in the habit of having certain rules for you and your friends, according to the former president.

"That shows something about the kind of leader you will be," Obama said. If a candidate is going to be loyal to Donald Trump, it means he won't be thinking about you or your needs.

Walker drove a second woman to an abortion clinic and paid her to have an abortion she was reluctant to have in 1993. Walker denied the allegation and said it was politically motivated.

The woman told reporters that Hershel Walker was a hypocrite.

She voted for Donald Trump in both elections. Herschel Walker isn't fit to be a senator.