Musk fires several executives after closing his purchase of the micro-messaging service. Stay up to date with the latest news.

There are people cheering for a network. Donald J. Trump's supporters are hoping that he will return to the social media platform. Some people think of an end to censorship. Fans of Musk think he will innovate.

The sale ofTwitter to Mr. Musk is a time to celebrate. For many people involved in the social network, the six-month path to buying was a nightmare.

The deal elicited a lot of excitement from a lot of people. By captivating celebrities, commentators and world leaders, the social networking site has become a part of society. The future of the platform has become a symbol of peoples desire to push the world in a certain direction.

The kind of blind admiration that Mr. Musk does is rare. His fans are called Muskies, Muskites, Muskrats and Musketeers. The deal to buy the company has had a lot of critics. He now has more or less absolute power over the platform, which many fear will be used for something else. The deal is a triumph on Musk focused message boards.

The host of the show "Crypto 101" said that buying a social networking site is pretty cool. Mr. Paul doesn't consider himself a Musk fan, but he does think the billionaire is a genius.

The business success of its competitors has not been found by Mr. Musk. The company's stock price has fallen and its user growth has slowed. Mr. Musk has made a number of changes to the site since he announced his takeover plans.

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The deal was a big one. Musk made an offer worth $44 billion for the social media platform, saying he wanted to turn it into a private company and allow people to speak more freely. The battle that followed lasted months.

There was a move. The price Mr. Musk agreed to pay for the company in April was proposed on October 4. The purchase of the company was completed on October 27th.

First Amendment scholars have applauded Mr. Musk's plans for less moderation on the platform.

Jonathan Turley is a professor at the George Washington University law school. It's hard to stop a natural expansion of the system once you start regulating speech. It's a vivid example of that

ImageDinesh D’Souza, a conservative commentator, predicted that his Twitter following would double once Mr. Musk owned the platform.
Dinesh D’Souza, a conservative commentator, predicted that his Twitter following would double once Mr. Musk owned the platform.Credit...Karen Pulfer Focht/Reuters
Dinesh D’Souza, a conservative commentator, predicted that his Twitter following would double once Mr. Musk owned the platform.

Conservatives who claim that they have been shadow-banned from the social network have cheered Mr. Musk's takeover. The ban on Mr. Trump was lifted by Mr. Musk.

D'Souza predicted that his followers would double under Mr. Musk's ownership and that he would lay off workers. Mr. D'Souza said thatelonmusk would do well to fire everyone and then rehir the people who shared his vision of a free speech internet.

Some people are in favor of more openness. The director of marketing at Likeflare, a marketing agency in the San Francisco Bay Area, was surprised that more people didn't like the deal. He was in favor of the idea of Mr. Musk exposing more information about the social network.

We need to put glass walls on the messaging factory of the world. He said that the public could benefit from the publicizing of the formulas of the social networking site.

The future of the social networking site is being discussed by the fans of the virtual currency. According to text messages released as part of the legal fight over the deal, Mr. Musk talked about running the social media service on a distributed ledger network after agreeing to buy the company.

According to his messages, Mr. Musk said that he didn't think "blockchain Twitter" could be done. There were rumors about a different solution under Mr. Musk.

Mr. Paul said it could drive adoption of digital currency.

He said that the world's richest man would legitimize some of the concepts and ideas. He said that thecryptocurrencies is generally pro-Musk.

He said that he had not heard a lot of dissent about the man.

ImageCathie Wood, the cryptocurrency investor, has said that she is “excited” to see Mr. Musk take over Twitter.
Cathie Wood, the cryptocurrency investor, has said that she is “excited” to see Mr. Musk take over Twitter.Credit...Patrick T. Fallon/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Cathie Wood, the cryptocurrency investor, has said that she is “excited” to see Mr. Musk take over Twitter.

Business leaders made comments about Mr. Musk in the days leading up to the deal's closing.

In an interview with Yahoo Finance, Ms. Wood said she was excited to see Mr. Musk open up the market and make it more transparent.

Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JP Morgan Chase, told CNBC that he hoped that Mr. Musk would eliminate all those people in the public square who are robot and email.

His fans responded with a meme of Mr. Musk as Mr. Trump firing contestants on the show.

Employees were not as enthusiastic as they could have been. After Mr. Musk's visit to the office, an engineer at the company, called him on his cell phone.

She asked if it was fun to look at the faces of the people who would be laid off. Fans of Musk called for her to be fired after she posted the post.