A former CBS News correspondent and an ex-Fox Nation host is sticking to her guns about bloodthirsty people.

As of last week, Newsmax TV did not feature her anymore due to her rant that included claims about a global conspiracy.

She pointed to Yuval Noah Harari and the World Economic Forum and claimed that theydined on the blood of children.

During a spiel about missing children, Logan appeared on the Frank Speech network.

Are they just gone? As she prepared to sell a conspiracy theory, she said she didn't think it was true.

Every sex trafficking ring in the world knows that this administration is involved in the trade of children.

The blood of children was the subject of a report during another part of the interview.

How do you get the blood of kids? Does it matter if the kids are younger or older? "What do you think?"

You can watch the comments of a man.

After getting banned from Fox for saying Fauci is Mengele, then from Newsmax for saying Satanist elites drink the blood of children, Lara Logan doubles down and says hundreds of thousands of kids in the US are being kidnapped so elites can drink their blood to fight aging. pic.twitter.com/Wh1WHiX0U3

— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) October 27, 2022

The article was first published on HuffPost.
