Matt Levine wants you to know that he doesn't ruin his vacations. He stayed up until midnight to get his newsletter, Money Stuff, out, even though he was at Sesame Place with his kids. That was enjoyable. I asked the former mergers and acquisitions lawyer if he had ruined his life by writing about Musk on Saturdays. Everything happens on the weekend.

He was working on a 40,000-word story about cryptocurrencies. He says he is doing a little. I don't like taking vacations. The summer is usually slow for Levine, so he blocked out three weeks to knock out a first draft of his story and had announced his time off in the newsletter. Levine wrote about it the next day.

He is a very smart man who is not a lawyer.

Levine sometimes can't do things in his newsletter because of time and space constraints, but the Businessweek story is structured like a math textbook. He says that if you read an upper-level math textbook, it would start from the dumbest thing. I love that format and I love that ambition for writing about complicated topics. It is possible to start with the whitepaper and build from there if you want to.

The interruptions weren't a big deal. He really likes Musk. Levine says that he is a very smart man who is not a lawyer. He wants things to work in a way that's engineer-y and against things that are lawyer-y. Imagine if a lawyer tried to tell Musk that he should act in a good-faith way towards regulators and not piss people off. Musk might say, "I don't mind pissing people off, I just want to know what will get me sent to jail for contempt."

Levine told me how he does it. I type very quickly. Levine said something. If he were to take more time to write, he would use less words.

Levine gave his fans a collection of him trying to take time off from his newsletter.

Money Stuff was supposed to be off today. So here we are, right? Money Stuff will be off on Monday. It's possible that Musk does something strange. Money Stuff will be off the rest of the week for a little spring break. On Tuesday I wrote a column that said it was unlikely that Musk would buy the company. On Thursday, Musk made an offer to buy the company for $54.20 a share in cash. There is a joke about marijuana. Money Stuff was supposed to be off today but my boss called me in anyways. Money Stuff won't be on tomorrow and on Thursday. It's not possible unless. You're aware. There is a programming note on July 9th, 2022. Money Stuff will be off for a few weeks beginning tomorrow. I am not a monster and there will be occasional columns as Musk or other news requires. It won't be published every day, but we will resume normal service in August. There is a programming note on July 13th, 2022 Programming note: Don't be sad about my vacation. Money Stuff will not be published for a few weeks due to my other work. There is a programming note that says I have some very bad sins to atone for. Please stop reading this newsletter if you are Musk. You have a lot of companies to run. It's time to return to work. Money Stuff will be off for the rest of the week. This isn't working, so let's try something else. Money Stuff will be back at midnight and this afternoon. Over the weekend and on Monday, it will have several special editions. I don't know how I'm going to fit it all in. I want news to happen frequently. If Musk was doing weird things every few hours of this long weekend, I would be able to write about them. If you know Musk, you could ask for it. You could tell Elon that Matt Levine was trying to get him to change his mind on the social networking site. I don't know what I will do this weekend without more drama from him, and I'm pretty sure he would sympathize. It's good that I have booked a vacation to start Saturday morning. There is no vacation if I have to write an emergency Money Stuff this Saturday because of North Korean hackers intercepting Musk's closing email. Money Stuff will be off on Monday. Unless, of course.

I don't know if Levine will write about Musk this Saturday, but I think he'll be happy doing it. Levine likes Musk.

Levine says that he gets the newsletter done by having Elon do some shit. I like to say that Elon is ruining my life. Most of the time, I have to write on a Wednesday, and at least there's someone to write about.