Apple Security Research is dedicated to improving methods for security researchers to report issues to Apple. Sending Apple security reports, getting real-time status updates, and communicating with Apple engineers are available on the site.

The website houses information on the Apple Security Bounty program, as well as allowing the Apple engineering teams to share the latest advances in Apple security. The first post talks about memory safety.

The Apple Security Bounty program has made progress. Over the last two and a half years, Apple has made payments to researchers. Apple has paid 20 separate rewards over $100,000 for high- impact issues, and the average payouts are around $40,000.

The launch of the new website has made it easier for people to report issues and communicate with Apple's teams. A new tracker on the website makes it easier for Apple to get more information about bugs.

The site offers detailed Apple Security Bounty information and evaluation criteria so researchers have a better idea of what will get them a reward.

Through November 30, 2022, Apple is accepting applications for the security research device program, which provides qualified individuals with an iPhone that is designed to make finding bugs easier.