The All Important Advertisers that don't worry, Musk has taken to his personal account to assure them.

The rest of the text is captured in the screen shots.

Musk believes that advertising can entertain and inform you. It can show you a service or product that you didn't know existed.

After burying the lede beneath toothless promises about "upholding a digital town square", they were able to show people ads on the internet.

"For this to be true," Musk said, "it is essential to show the advertisers that are relevant to the users." Highly relevant ads are more relevant than low relevancy ones.


Since he's always against advertising, it's striking.

He hates advertising.

His fans have always made a big deal out of the $0 marketing strategy of the car company.

It's not hard to understand why Musk and the company haven't put out ads yet. He uses his own account as a giant advertising platform and doesn't pay anything.

It's a good thing when advertising is his main source of income. It's a very positive thing.

"Twitter aspires to be the most respected advertising platform in the world that strengthens your brand and grows your enterprise," Musk wrote recently.

He says it's fundamentally. Is Musk really interested in making a "digital town square" that is important to the future of civilization or is he just interested in making a billboard?

It's a weak look to grovel at the feet of advertisers in front of the public.

Musk was spotted carrying a sink into the headquarters of the micro-blogging site.