The PhD candidate in sociology and the associate professor of sociology used a large nationally representative dataset to see which types of arts classes impact math achievement and how it varies based on the socio- economic composition of the school. A higher percentage of students eligible for free or reduced lunch can be found in schools with lowerSES.
Music courses taken at higher- or mid-SES schools have a correlation to higher math scores. Mackin said that's not a surprise because of the way in which music and math overlap.
He said that reading music is just doing math. It's a different type of math, but it might be a more engaging form of math for students.
There is a positive relationship between music course-taking and math achievement in some schools. The study shows that arts courses in low-SES schools are not as good as they should be. The students in low-SES schools take less music and arts classes than their peers.
The quality of the music program would differentiate any potential connection to other subjects. Under-resourced schools are less likely to have working instruments and an instructor who can teach students to read music in a way that they can make connections to math.
The findings suggest that learning shouldn't happen in subject silos, and that some schools have tried to increase math achievement by cutting the arts.
He said that a well-rounded curriculum might affect math achievement. They are willing to go to class because they are looking forward to it.
There was a study published in the journal.
More information: Daniel Mackin Freeman et al, Arts for Whose Sake? Arts Course-taking and Math Achievement in US High Schools, Sociological Perspectives (2022). DOI: 10.1177/07311214221124537