Due to Ye's anti-Semitic comments, the star players on the Donda Academy basketball team won't be able to showcase their talents on one of H.S. hoops' biggest stages this year. Donda has been removed from this season's schedule due to West's "words and actions that violate our values as a company and a country." The tournament has hosted future NBA superstars like Kobe Bryant and Kevin Durant in the past. Donda was going to compete in Louisville. It's a huge blow for the entire squad of kids, including five-star guards Robert Dillingham (who's committed to Kentucky) and AJ Johnson, as well as the other players who are ranked nationally. "While we are firm in our reasoning for this decision, it doesn't diminish our heartache and regret for Donda's athletes who will lose out the most as a result of Yeezus' actions." We can't host an organization founded by Mr. West at our events. It's not the first time Ye's comments have caused problems, as we previously reported, adidas, Balenciaga, and CAA have parted ways with him.