Of Jupiter's 80 moons, 57 are official and 23 are waiting to be confirmed by the International Astronomical Union.
When Galileo first observed Jupiter's moons in 1610, they were the first of their kind.
The majority of Jupiter's moons are small, with less than 10 kilometers in diameter. The outer moons may have been captured by Jupiter's gravity after the initial system was formed.
There are 10 weird moons in the sun.
Here is a list of Jupiter's official moons along with information on their discovery. There are 23 moons that are waiting to be confirmed.
The Adrastea was discovered in 1979.
Aitne was discovered by Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, and Jan T. Kleyna.
It was discovered on September 9, 1892.
The photograph was taken at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California and was discovered on September 28, 1951.
Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, Jan T. Kleyna, and Henry H. Hsieh were involved in the discovery of Aoede.
The Arche was discovered by Scott Sheppard at the Mauna Kea Observatory.
Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, and Jan T. Kleyna discovered autonoe.
Jim V. Scotti, Timothy B. Spahr, Robert S. McMillan, Jeffrey A. Larsen, Joe Montani, Arianna E. The University of Arizona's Spacewatch program made the discovery.
Italian scientist Galileo Galilei discovered Callisto.
Carme was discovered on July 30, 1938, at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California.
The discovery of Carpo was made by a team of scientists from the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii. The 12-ft. was used to make the find. There is a Canada-France-Hawaii telescope at the observatory.
On November 23, 2000, Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, Yange R.
Scott S. Sheppard and his team from the University of Hawaii discovered cyllene.
Scott S. Sheppard, David Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, and G. Magnier were involved in the discovery of dia.
On February 6, 2003 Eirene was discovered by Scott Sheppard, David C Jewitt, and Jan T. Kleyna.
Elara was discovered by American astronomer Charles Dillon Perrine while looking at photographs taken with the Crossley 36-inch (0.9 meter) reflector of the Lick Observatory at the University of California, San Jose.
On November 23, 2000, Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, Yanga R.
The moon's discovery was announced in July of last year.
Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, and Jan T. Kleyna discovered Euanthe.
Scott S. Sheppard discovered Eukelade on February 6, 2003
Scott S. Sheppard discovered pheeme on March 4, 2003
Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, and Jan T. Kleyna discovered Euporie.
On January 8, 1610, Galileo Galilei discovered the world.
Scott Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, and Jan T. Kleyna discovered Eurydome.
Italian scientist Galileo Galilei discovered Ganymede.
Harpalyke was discovered in 2000 by Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, Yanga R.
Hegemone was discovered on February 8, 2003 by Scott S. Sheppard.
Helike was discovered by Scott Sheppard at the Mauna Kea Observatory.
Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt and Jan T. Kleyna discovered Hermippe.
Herse was discovered in February of 2003 by a group of people.
On December 3, 1904, American astronomer Charles Dillon Perrine discovered Himalia while looking at photographs taken at the Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton at the University of California, San Jose.
Io was discovered by Italian scientist Galileo Galilei.
Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, and Eugene Magnier discovered Iocaste.
Isonoe was discovered in 2000 by Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, Yanga R.
Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, and Jan T. Kleyna were at the Mauna Kea Observatory when the discovery was made.
The discovery of Kallichore was made by Scott S. Sheppard at the Mauna Kea Observatory.
Kalyke was discovered on November 23, 2000 by Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, and others.
Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, and Jan T. Kleyna discovered Kore.
Leda was discovered in 1974 by American astronomer Charles Thomas Kowal.
The Hooker telescope was used at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California to discover lysithea.
Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, and Eugene A. Magnier discovered Megaclite.
The Metis was discovered in 1979.
It was discovered on February 9, 2003 by Scott S. Sheppard.
The discovery of orthosie was made on December 11, 2001 at the Mauna Kea Observatory.
The moon's discovery was made in July of last year.
It was discovered by British astronomer Philibert Jacques Melotte with a 30-inch telescope.
Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, and Jan T. Kleyna discovered Pasithee.
The Philophrosyne was discovered in April 2003 by Scott Sheppard.
Praxidike was discovered in 2000 by Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, Yanga R.
The Lick Observatory's 36-inch (0.9 meter) telescope in California was used to observe Sinope.
Sponde was discovered by Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt and Jan T. Kleyna.
On November 25, 2000, by Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, Yanga R.
Thebe was discovered by the Voyager science team.
Thelxinoe was discovered in February of 2003 by Scott S. Sheppard.
Themisto was discovered on September 30, 1975, by American astronomy experts. The little moon was rediscovered in 2000 by a group of people.
Scott S. Sheppard, David C. Jewitt, and Jan T. Kleyna discovered Thyone.
The moon's discovery was announced in June of last year.
The diameter is 3,270 miles.
The moon of Jupiter is larger than the planet Mercury. It is the only moon in the world that has its own magnetic field, which makes it a great place to watch the Auroras. According to NASA Science, the giant moon has the potential to hold more water than all the water on Earth's surface.
The diameter is 1,940 miles.
There is an iron core, rocky mantle and a surface of frozen water ice on top of the ocean. According to NASA, the most promising place to find an environment that could support life is the icy moon Europa. The saltwater ocean could hold twice the amount of water as Earth's oceans combined and have existed for a long time.
The diameter is 2, 260 miles.
Io is the most volcanically active place in the solar system and is locked in a tug-of-war between Jupiter's gravity and neighboring moons. The turbid environment is constantly renewing itself, smoothing out craters with vast lakes of lava from one of the hundreds of volcanoes that blanket the landscape.
The diameter is 2,995 miles.
Callisto is Jupiter's second largest moon. The oldest surface in the solar system is believed to be the moon. It comes as no surprise that Callisto is the most heavily cratered body in the solar system.
Guests are familiar with the Jovian system. Jupiter has attracted numerous flybys and close encounters from trailblazing probes since the first visitor in 1973. The closest approach to Jupiter by Pioneer 11 was a year after Pioneer 10 in December 1974.
The Jovian system finally had a guest stay from NASA's Galileo in December 1995 Galileo was the first to go to Jupiter and he made a lot of discoveries. There is a possible ocean on Jupiter's icy moon Europa, as well as volcanoes on the moon Io. Galileo crashed into the gas giant at the end of its stay in September 2003 in order to prevent a collision.
In 1992 and 2004 Jupiter was used for a couple of gravity-assisted maneuvers by the NASA-ESA Ulysses mission. Around 26,000 images of the gas giant were collected by Cassini when it was close to Jupiter. During its trip to the dwarf planet, NASA's New Horizons discovered impressive nighttime auroras and lightning at the planet's poles.
The Jovian system is being explored by NASA. The composition, atmosphere, gravity and magnetic field of Jupiter are some of the things that are being investigated by the mission. The solar system's origin and evolution will be learned by Juno.
The Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer is due to be launched in April of 2023. The mission will look at Jupiter and its moons. It will be joined by the NASA's Europa Clipper mission. The goal of the mission is to investigate whether the strange world harbors conditions that could accommodate life.
It is possible to see Jupiter and its moons with the right equipment. The best times to view the planets is in our visible planets guide.
You can see Jupiter with a pair of binoculars or a small telescope at this brightness. Lower numbers mean brighter objects. Venus shines with a magnitude of about -4. You will need a small telescope or binoculars to see the moons.
If you want to find out where and when to look out for Jupiter's moons, you should use skywatching apps. We have picked the best stargazing apps.
Our best telescopes for seeing planets guide can help if you want to see Jupiter and its moons. If you're looking for a bargain, we have guides on the best binoculars and telescopes.
If you want to learn more about the mission to Jupiter's icy moons, you can watch this video. There is an article in the EU Research and Innovation magazine called "Is there life on Jupiter's moons?" Do you think you have found a new moon? There is a guide to the most common objects that you may have observed as well as information on how to report your findings.
There is an organization called the European Space Agency. There are missions toJupiter. The science and technology is provided by the European Space Agency. Themissions-to-jupiter was published in October of 2022.
There is a space agency called NASA. There is a callisto. There is a space agency called NASA. There is a new tab at the bottom of this page.
There is a space agency called NASA. The clipper is called theEuropa Clipper. There is a space agency called NASA. There is a new tab at the bottom of the page that says "europa-clipper".
There is a space agency called NASA. Is that correct? There is a space agency called NASA. In-depth from the website of the solar system.
There is a space agency called NASA. There are Jupiter moons There is a space agency called NASA. There is a view of the moon from the solar system.
There is a space agency called NASA. It's called Europe. There is a space agency called NASA. There is a new tab at the bottom of the page that says "Overview."
There is a space agency called NASA. There is a man named ganymede There is a space agency called NASA. There is a new tab at the bottom of the page.
On June 10, 2015, Williams wrote. There are two moons of Jupiter. There is a website called ps.org. There is a new tab at the bottom of the page that says "moons-jupiter.html".