According to an internal document titled "Where did theTweeters Go?", the platform has lost its most active users since the start of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Less than 10% of the site's monthly users are heavy tweeters, but they produce most of the content and half of the revenue. These posters are defined by the company as those who log onto the micro-messaging service daily or near- daily and send out at least three to four times a week.

A company that is already in turmoil could be in trouble because of the losses in frequent twits. Without their content on the site, they wouldn't be able to attract advertisers.

On top of that, the type of content on the site seems to be shifting as well. Porn is the fastest-growing interest sector among frequent English speaking users of the platform. It is difficult to make money from porn andcryptocurrencies.

Many companies don't want to advertise near nudity because of the proliferation ofBlockchain scam.

In response to the alleged internal document leak, a spokesman for the company said, "We conduct research on a wide variety of trends, which evolve based on what's happening in the world." In the second half of the year, our audience has grown to 238 million daily active users. The company had a decrease in revenue and was operating at a $344 million loss as of July. Gizmodo reached out to Twitter via email but did not hear back.

The company is still in the middle of negotiations for an acquisition by Musk. Musk told investors that he intended to close the deal by Friday.