New research seems to support the idea that cats are ignoring their owner.
According to a new study, cats do seem to know when their owners are talking to them, but sometimes they choose to ignore it.
The researchers sat with 16 cat-people pairs who lived in studio apartments and played them recordings of the pair interacting, followed by recordings of the humans saying the same words they use when baby- talking their cats, but in a voice register similar to that which they'd use to speak to
To the shock of no one who's ever tried to get their cat's attention, the felines seemed to be able to differentiate between the tone of voice used by humans and that used by cats. Cats seem to know who is talking to them and if they are being spoken to, even if they act like they don't.
The funniest part of the study was that some of the cats only indicated that they'd heard their person speak to them in the baby talk register by twitching their ears.
Some of the cats would look towards the sound of their owner's kitten-babble and meow in other instances.
"Our results highlight the importance of one-to-one relationships for indoor companion cats, who do not seem to generalize the communication developed with one human to all human interlocutors."
Cats seem to know when their own people are speaking to them, but that doesn't mean they care.
There are more questions about cats and brain parasites. There is an answer that is complicated.