In the backyard of a mansion, landscapers made a startling discovery according to The Guardian. The Mercedes-Benz was buried up to 5 feet under the ground in the backyard. The car was exhumed and found full of bags of concrete. The possible presence of human remains was signaled by three different dogs.

The police said in a statement that there was no human remains found at the scene. This was the final part of the on- scene investigation.

The car was owned by a man with a history of criminal activity, according to the Mercury News. A car that was reported stolen from a shopping center in 1992 was later found to have an insurance payment of $87,000. That is adjusted for inflation.

There are only two chapters in this book. I don't know if we'll ever get the other chapters, but I hope we do because it's an interesting story

It feels like the end of the story, but there are still questions. What scent did the dogs pick up? The bags of concrete were used for something. Lew wouldn't necessarily be making a gain with this potential scam because the Benz was probably new when he reported it stolen. Lew died a year after he sold the mansion, leaving a mystery behind a buried car.