Pristimantis anaiaeImage source, Ministry of the Environment Ecuador
Image caption, Pristimantis anaiae is one of the six species of rain frog discovered by scientists in Ecuador

There are six new species of rain Frog.

The new species were discovered in two national parks.

According to the scientists who discovered them, all six Pristimantis species were found within 20 km of a deforested area.

They said that they should be added to the red list.

There are more than 500 different species of Pristimantis frog that can be found in a wide range of places.

Scientists think there are many more species of the little land-dwelling frog that haven't been discovered.

The latest discovery was made by a group of herpetologists from Ecuador.

The species resistencia was named in honor of all the environmental activists who were killed in Latin America.

More environmentalists were killed in Latin America than anywhere else in the world last year according to a report by Global Witness.

Alba Bermeo was killed on Friday for opposing mining in Azuay.

Una de las ranitas que acabamos de describirel cutín de la resistencia se la dedicamos a los defensores ambientalesque han sido asesinados en LatinoaméricaAlba Bermeo fue asesinada el día viernes

por oponerse a #minería en Azuay, Ecuador

Una nueva víctima 😔 (1/n)