The saying goes, "an elephant never forgets", whether it's cruel or compassionate. A one-year old calf that belonged to the herd was trampled to death by elephants.

There are a lot of stories about elephants getting revenge on humans.

An elephant stomped to death a woman in India last summer. Elephants threw her corpse in the air and destroyed her home at her funeral. The woman is thought to have been part of a group of criminals.

Elephants can show appreciation for humans who show them kindness. A herd of elephants traveled for 12 hours to honor Lawrence Anthony.

What Happened?

The calf was buried in Bania village in Korba, India, according to Newsweek.

A herd of elephants trampled Pintawar Singh as he looked after his animals.

Human And Elephant Conflicts Are Common

The founder of Save The Asian Elephants weighed in on the matter.

The person who took the life of one of their young was hunted down by the herd for revenge.

Elephants sometimes retaliate for villagers harming or killing elephants.

22 acres of crops were damaged by the herd. Elephants are forced out of their habitat to find food and water, which leads to crop-raiding.

The fight for resources between humans and elephants in India will lead to violent outcomes.

Elephants Are Incredibly Intelligent

Elephants are one of the smartest animals in the world.

They are a force to be feared when crossed.

Elephants are incredibly smart. Their brains weigh 10 pounds or more and have complex surface folds and a highly developed hippocampus, which enable profound emotions of grief, compassion, humor, role- playing and anger. If roused by threats or attacks, they can be very dangerous.

What Happened To The Body Of The Calf ?

The calf's body was found on a farm in Bania village where it had been buried and covered with paddy to hide it. The owner was taken into custody. Singh's involvement in the killing of the calf is not clear.

Elephants Are An Endangered Species

The Asian elephant numbers have halved in the last 60-75 years.

humane ways to care for those still with us has been called for by many.

There are genuine sanctuaries and wildlife reserves where elephants are observed from a safe distance.

He wanted an end to brutal elephant attractions.