New measures will be passed by Florida's Republican governor that will curb mail-in voting and ballot drop boxes.

There are people dressed in tactical gear who are surveilling ballot drop boxes.

Two people with weapons were seen at a mail-in ballot drop box. Two people wearing masks left the area after the sheriff's office responded.

Four people got into a confrontation at the same drop box on Saturday night when another person tried to record their license plate information.

Two armed individuals dressed in tactical gear surveilled a ballot drop box in Mesa, Arizona, on Friday. (Photo: Maricopa County Elections Department)
Two armed individuals dressed in tactical gear surveilled a ballot drop box in Mesa, Arizona, on Friday. (Photo: Maricopa County Elections Department)

Two people dressed in tactical gear robbed a ballot drop box in Mesa, Arizona. The elections department in the county.

The woman, who was dressed as a nun, told KTVK News that the man pushed her and grabbed her as he tried to steal her video camera.

I didn't think it was a big deal to photograph their license plates because they're videotaping them.

The data analyst at Arizona's KNXV-TV News shared a picture of the obscured license plate, noting that the ballot-box watchers don't want their own plates photographed.

The AZ is a data guru by the name ofGarrett_Archer.

Right-wing groups staked out ballot boxes across the country and took pictures of people and their license plates as they cast their votes in the upcoming elections.

The self-styled vigilantism of the Arizona GOP has been called upon to install hidden cameras at ballot boxes and to trail voters to and from their vehicles.

The Arizona secretary of state referred a report of voter intimidation to the state attorney general and the US Department of Justice.

The elections department is concerned about the safety of people who are exercising their right to vote and who are taking their early ballot to a drop box

The department said that election integrity was not being increased by uninformed vigilantes. Voter intimidation complaints are being led by them.

The article was first published on HuffPost.
