There is a house of the dragon.
The first season of House of The Dragon is over and I know that it will be difficult to wait for the second season. There was a lot of development in the first season.
The stage for the Dance of Dragons was set by the show's producers. Under the rule of the good King Viserys I, they showed us a peaceful place to call home. As Team Green and Team Black teeter on the edge of civil war, they set into motion all the palace intrigues.
When Queen Alicent discovered that her husband had died, she immediately brought the matter to the Small Council, where she revealed that he wanted his son, Aegon, to succeed him. The dragon pit was the location for the coronation of the Greens. Rhaenyra and her husband Daemon were betrayed by Princess Rhaenys in this week's finale.
Rhaenyra was shocked by the news of her father's passing and gave birth to a stillborn monster. In a season where the act of childbirth goes terribly wrong, it is a powerful scene. Rhaenyra is the first casualty of a long parade of tragedies.
Daemon is able to act quickly. He has sent ravens to his allies and ordered them to patrol the island to look for enemy ships. There are ships arriving. The Kingsguard knight who couldn't stand the thought of Aegon as king was one of them. He is in Aegon's camp, but his twin Arryk is still there.
The crown of King Viserys was given to Rhaenrya.
Before Aegon II took the Iron Throne, the Hand of the King was brought to him by another ship. Otto and Rhaenrya confronted Daemon several years ago, demanding that he return the dragon egg he stole. When Rhaenyra sets down on her dragon, she becomes Daemon's wife and an enemy of the Hightowers.
There is a house of the dragon.
Otto has a good list of Aegon's terms. Rhaenyra will keepDragonstone. liot Grihault will retain his position as heir to Driftmark. The younger sons of Rhaenyra will be squire and cupbearers to the King. The only thing Rhaenyra and her family need to do is bend their knees.
Daemon said that he would rather feed his children to the dragons. Rhaenyra doesn't know what to do. She told Otto that King's Landing would have her answer tomorrow.
Daemon was horrified that she would ever consider surrendering. He told her it was her duty as queen to put down rebellion, whatever the cost. Viserys told her that Aegon had a dream about ice and fire. Daemon grabbed his wife by the throat and told her that they didn't become kings because of dreams. The dragons made us kings.
She realized that her father never really cared about Daemon as heir. Daemon just came out of the room. Almost every scene Daemon occupies is a strange and fraught moment.
Lord Corlys Velaryon was wounded in the Stepstones and survived. After learning of his brother's death, he told Rhaenys to return to Driftmark and live out their days in peace. The fate of his grandsons depends on Rhaenyra becoming queen. The children of Aegon will be a threat if she stays on the Iron Throne. Rhaenyra has kept her cool. Corlys declared House Driftmark and his fleet to be in support of Rhaenyra. He controls trade in the narrow sea. Rhaenys said she would patrol the Gullett on dragonback.
There is a house of the dragon.
Jacaerys suggests that the two of them be sent to treat with the major Houses of the realm that are most likely to be swayed by the Black banners. Rhaenyra agreed to send Jace to the Vale and then to Winterfell to see Lady Arynn and Lord Stark. She takes her son on a flight to Storm's End. It's a terrible mistake.
When he arrives in the Stormlands, he is in the middle of a storm. The presence of Aemond Targaryen makes the storm worse. Thelord is angry that Rhaenyra did not send any terms or offers of her own. He told the man to leave. The Lord of the Stormlands is not as welcoming as Rhaenyra thought.
Borros became uneasy when Aemond told him that he wanted him to cut out his eye to repay him. He ordered his men to bring him back to his throne.
Aemond goes to his dragon. Vhagar was high in the clouds when we saw him as he was high in the clouds. The sky is filled with rain and wind.
There is a house of the dragon.
Aemond is laughing atluke as he tries to escape He almost does, darting between narrow cliff walls where Vhagar can't follow. It is at this point that he loses control over his dragon. The dragon hasn't been to war. The younger Arrax was stung by the larger dragon and went on the attack.
It is Aemond who is going to lose control. Aemond begged the beast to obey him as Vhagar moved to attack. Vhagar is old and doesn't have time for her rider. Vhagar chases after them as they go up above the clouds and into the blue skies. Suddenly, the dragon burst through the clouds, opened its jaws, and snapped them shut. A dragon and its rider plummet to their deaths from the sky.
Rhaenyra is at court with her lords. Daemon entered and went to her Their backs turned as they walked. She stopped when he whispered something to her. We know what she has learned without her face. Even before she turns, we can see her broken heart.
She sees fire and blood when she turns.
There is going to be a war.
There is a house of the dragon.
The Aemond/luke incident was changed from the book. In Martin's "history" of the Dance of Dragons, Aemond tries to kill Luke. The storm is powerful and things don't go well, and the larger dragon, Vhagar, and the dragon and rider are both killed in cold blood. Aemond became Aemond Kinslayer after the murder of his nephew.
Aemond didn't mean to kill the person. The younger dragon was killed by Vhagar against Aemond's wishes. It is a fascinating change that makes Aemond less sinister but less foolish.
When blood is in the air it shows how powerful these beasts are. Both Lucerys and Aemond can't control their dragons. Most of the changes from the books serve to make these characters more sympathetic and personable, and this change is one of them. Both Alicent and Rhaenyra have been changed. We will be able to see how far they go with these changes. I am interested.
The season finale of House of the Dragon was powerful. This show has exceeded my expectations. Now that the season is over, I plan to watch it again, even though this one is the only one I have seen so far. The creators of the show, Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik, have created a show that is unlike anything else. It has not been done before. There is a serious drama going on. It's more grown up and darker than Game of thrones.
House of the dragon is a historical fiction with dragons. It's more than that. The writing and the acting are more personal and intimate than the previous one. It isn't as enjoyable. There aren't as many people who want to root for them. There is no Jon Snows or a tyrannical one. The complicated characters feel more real and live in the weather. The man is at the top of his game.
It is difficult to not compare the two shows at the end of the first season. There was a lot of war at the end of the first season of Game of thrones. There are only two sides in this place, but war and revenge are on the way. The show's strengths are mostly in its careful, detailed approach to character development and not in battles or dragons, as entertaining as those most certainly are.
What did you think about the finale? You can let me know on social media.
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