In the first update on Rushdie's condition in months, his literary agent said this weekend that the author had lost sight in one eye and was unable to use one of his hands.
Rushdie was at the festival.
Andrew Wylie told El Pais Rusdhie is unable to use one hand because of nerve damage.
Rushdie had three serious neck wounds and 15 additional wounds in his chest and torso.
The author will survive his injuries, which he said is the more important thing, but he wouldn't say if Rushdie was still in the hospital.
Rushdie was attacked after giving a speech on writers living in exile in New York. Police say Matar attacked Rushdie with a knife after he was introduced. Matar was charged with attempted murder and assault. Matar praised the former Iranian leader who called for Rushdie's death in an interview with the New York Post. A fatwa (a legal ruling on a point of Islamic law) called for Muslims to kill Rushdie and his publishers so that no one would dare insult the sacred beliefs of Muslims. Rushdie is one of five people connected to the publication of The Satanic Verses who have been victims of violent crime.
Rushdie's book became the 18th most popular book in the US on Amazon after it was attacked.
Here's what we know about the man accused of praising Iran's leader.
The suspect in the attack on Rushdie is the latest in a long line of people attacked because of their literary works.
Rushdie's books climbed the US and international best seller lists after he was attacked.
The author attacked on stage.