Over a million people in Ukraine are without power as a result of a Russian missile attack on the power grid.

The Washington Post reported that at least 33 missiles were fired from Russia's strategic air command and 16 missiles from ships in the Black Sea.

The Washington Post reported that the mayor of Lutsk said that an energy facility in the city had been destroyed. It is currently impossible to recover, he said.

A member of the Ukrainian parliament said that 1.5 million of the country's people were without electricity. There is going to be total darkness and cold.

The average temperature in October in the capital of Kyiv is 48.3%.

Zelenskyy urged Ukrainians to conserve energy and called the attacks "vile strikes on critical objects."

Zelenskyy said that the stability of the power industry of the entire state depended on each city and district. Ukrainian life cannot be broken.

The office of Zelenskyy did not respond to the request for comment.