Levitt said that mortality gives things meaning and motivates them to do anything. I used to be more of a destination person than a journey person, but thanks to this game, that is no longer the case.

People who have experienced trauma can benefit from role-playing. Games and role-playing can be used to connect with clients and show that therapy doesn't have to be serious or painful.

One of the first things we get disconnected from after trauma is our imagination and creativity. The structure of the games provides some comfort and encourages people to think about what could be rather than what is.

Walker is one of the therapists who work with adults. Walker wants therapy to be a place that is enjoyable for clients.

Therapy is important and has a lot of potential for healing, but the colonization of our health and wellbeing has made it into a depressing thing. I am happy with my clients. We play games with them.

How can I get involved?

Geek Therapists are listed on the website. Some providers offer other forms of geek therapy, such as therapeutic video games and less structured role- playing. Many therapists in the US and abroad accept insurance.

Individual therapy is offered by several in-house therapists. Currently, they only offer their services through Telehealth.

Training for mental health professionals, including therapeutic game master training, is offered by Geek Therapeutics. Some of the writers for Wizards of the Coast were trained by professional game masters.

It can be intimidating since they have a lot of experience. They're masters of their craft and that's why they're so great to work with.

Critical Core was created to complement the game to grow method. The game kit gives teachers, parents, and mental health professionals all the resources they need to run a game, including adventure modules, prewritten character sheets, and a guide for incorporating therapy into the games. The game is similar to D&D, but it does away with many of the rules that can make a new player feel intimidated.

Some of the complexity is being removed to make it more about narrative social play.

It doesn't have to be a therapist to participate. Training for people who are not mental health professionals, like teachers, parents, or anyone looking for a way to connect with themselves and others through gaming is offered by both organizations.

The Certified Geek Specialist program helps participants provide support for their peers and students through the lens of their favorite books and movies. More than 80 hours of content are available for those who take the course.

Community training and educator training are offered by Game to Grow. Common Core and 21st century skills are integrated into the educator training. Everyone who isn't a mental health professional can attend the community training.

Take This is an organization that works to decrease stigma and increase support for mental health in games. Role-playing games can be used in clinical and learning environments. Even if the GM is a mental health professional, it doesn't mean that playing a game in and of itself is a therapeutic practice.

The game is not therapy according to BocCAMazzo. The game is used as a vehicle.