A $100 million settlement was reached between Apple and the developers of the App Store. The settlement was referred to by Apple as a small developer assistance fund.

Eligible developers were expected to receive a payment between $250 and $30,000 from Apple depending on their total App Store earnings, but payments may be higher in some cases since not all developers submitted a claim Only developers in the US who earned less than $1 million through the App Store in a single year will be paid.

Approximately 67,000 developers were eligible to submit a claim. We don't know how many claims were submitted.

The settlement isn't an admission of wrongdoing by Apple. Any claim that developers were over charged by Apple as a result of the App Store's fee structure can no longer be brought by them as part of a settlement.

It’s nice to get a surprise payment from the Cameron v. Apple, Inc. Settlement 🤑 — Khaos Tian (@KhaosT) October 21, 2022

JFC. Years ago I tested in-app purchases on iOS, and for @Apple's malfeasance in that, I got a check today for $4,032.44 in the Cameron v. Apple, Inc. class action suit. Was expecting about a grand. Woohoo! — Scott Wallace (@63green) October 21, 2022

A group of developers accused Apple of using its App Store monopoly to impose "profit-killing" commission. The late 2020 announcement of the App Store's Small Business Program that cut the commission that small developers have to pay to 15% was addressed by the lawsuit that took issue with Apple's standard 30% fee for App Store purchases.

As part of the settlement, Apple updated its App Store Review Guidelines to allow developers to use outside-of-app communications like email to share information about payment methods. Developers don't have to pay Apple a commission on purchases made outside of the App Store.

Apple made a few other concessions in order to keep the App Store's Small Business Program.

As part of a $30.5 million settlement, Apple started sending payments to eligible retail employees. More than 15,000 employees in California were subjected to off-the-clock bag searches.

I got a settlement check in the mail for all the time Apple spent checking my purse while I was off the clock… which was zero minutes because I always left my purse in my car but somehow still worth hundreds of dollars. — Ben Hunter (@benjaminhunter) October 18, 2022

damn i thought apple would send me a check for like $10 with their bag check settlement, but i got almost $1k 😂 we didn’t even do bag checks lmao — chloe (@bitchl4sagna) October 20, 2022

Apple argued that its bag searches ensured employees were not hiding stolen electronics in their personal belongings, and that employees who did not want to be subject to searches could leave their bags at home, but a court ordered Apple to pay the employees for the time they had spent in bag.