According to the Associated Press, a woman in Springfield, Massachusetts decided she was going out with a buzz after unleashing hundreds of bees on police officers trying to evict another homeowner.
Protesters gathered at the house before the deputy arrived.
They weren't aware that they were in for a buzz kill.
The woman, Rorie Woods, pulled up to the driveway in her car with up to five bees in tow.
The bees were in a frenzy when Woods broke one of the hives and threw the other off the trailer.
Woods was not finished yet. The warrior put a hive of bees in front of the entrance to the house.
Some of the deputy ran inside the building while all this was happening. According to the Washington Post, three of the cops got stung, as well as their photographer, who was taken to the hospital, but recovered.
The police got a hold of the situation and arrested Woods. The deputy told her that he and his colleagues were allergic to bees.
Do you have an allergy? She said good according to the police report.
Several other people gathered in the cul-de-sac to prevent what they claimed to be a wrongful conviction, as Woods was angry over the eviction notice.
According to MassLive, Woods was one of 21 Massachusetts residents who appealed her eviction last year. She was in the middle of a battle with cancer when she was living on disability.
Woods could face multiple assault charges after he was released without bail.
Bee can be classified as fish according to court rules.