The country is still trying to respond to Russia's new strategy after intercepting some of these drones. According to a Facebook post by the General Staff of the armed forces, the military shot down 15 of 20 Iranian drones.

It's not easy to shoot them down. It's hard to detect a Shahed- 136. The radar systems can't see the drones. The target is difficult and it is not possible to hit 100 percent. Crowdsourced ways to detect drones have begun to be used. The country's armed forces launched an app called ePPO, which asks civilians to report any cruise missiles or drones they see.

Ukrainians need to figure out how to target the drones after detecting them. Analysts think the Shahed-136s are programmed with their target's location before they take off.

The ideal way to shoot them down is with long-range missiles, according to a former US Department of Defense analyst. It's an issue that these are much more expensive than the drones themselves. He says shorter-range air defenses are less expensive. You risk not being able to shoot them all down before they reach their targets if you don't shoot them all down first.

There is a risk that the drones could be used as a decoy for other attacks. If air defense systems are distracted with drones, missiles are more likely to hit their targets.

In order to end armed violence, the best option would be to sabotage the drones before they take off. The assets of three Iranian generals and the company that developed the Shahed-136 will be frozen by the European Union. The Shahed-136 is believed to have a 1,000- kilometer range, which makes it more difficult to sabotage the drones.

One of the reasons the country has been reaching out to Israel is the problem with drones. Israel knows a lot about the type of drones Iran makes. Israel said this week that it would only aid the country in developing an early-warning system to protect civilians from air attacks.

The US, the UK, and some European countries have air force protection systems.

Since the beginning of the invasion, we've been asking for this. Eight months into the war and we are still asking for the same thing.