The news about Musk's possible purchase of Twitter is moving quickly.

The Washington Post dropped a bombshell on Thursday night, and it was quickly replaced by the news agency. The Post said that Musk told investors that he would fire 5,000 workers at the company.

Musk may not own the company until he passes muster with the Biden administration, which is planning a national security review of Musk's Starlink satellite network.

We shouldn't be surprised that the U.S. will intervene before Musk's purchase goes through. The sale was supposed to be done before Halloween. Musk replied to the national security news with two of his favorite symbols.

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Even if Team Biden allows Musk to take the reins, there's good reason to believe the plan is hogwash. The world's richest man wants to make it less safe for its most vulnerable users.

The 75 percent figure was not in Musk's words. Tech investors have suggested that Musk should be open to firing up to 6,000 of his followers. He said in an interview that nobody knows what they do.

Musk has good reason to tell investors what they want to hear, and it's likely that he's parroting the line at least a few times. The New York Times got hold of the pitch deck Musk has been using and it says something completely different.

The deck said that Musk will increase employment at the micro-blogging site. The potential new owner wants to increase the number of employees at the company to 11,000 by the end of 2022. According to the deck, there would be a small amount of layoffs in 2023, but Musk wants to give employees an extra $2 billion in stock options.

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Is Musk saying something on one side of his mouth and something else on the other? That doesn't seem out of the ordinary for a man who has so publicly reversed course on his desire for the Twitter purchase, and was all for supporting Ukraine with Starlink until he suddenly changed his mind.

We do know what we don't. Musk dislikes moderation of content. He doesn't understand why there should be consequences for hate speech. Even though the two feuds are going on, he thinks Donald Trump is a good person to be on social media. After the troubled rapper made anti-semitic comments, he thought it was fun to take a picture of himself with him.

It would be the largest percentage of layoffs in the current tech world if Musk were to fire three-quarters of the company. 15 percent of Facebook's employees were put on a performance improvement plan. Microsoft has shed around 1,000 jobs in the last couple of months. Some departments are expected to lose as much as 20% of their employees when Intel announces layoffs.

All of them would be in the shade. He wouldn't be able to spin that into a positive. He would be remembered as a hatchet man at the holiday season. It doesn't match the image the man has created for himself.

The level of firings would make it even more of a trash fire. There would be a lot of child sexual abuse material on the service. Users who aren't in Musk's army would leave in droves. If the world's richest man wants to create the world's largest echo chamber for his childish musings, then you should enjoy it.

It's important to remember that Musk isn't going into this deal on his own. Billions of dollars are on the line, including $1 billion from Larry Ellison. The pitch deck promised to triple the number of users. 104 million people will pay for "X" by the year 2028.

We are waiting. We are waiting to see if the U.S. government can stop a national security threat. We don't know if Musk can find another reason to not spend his money on a company. Thousands of employees are waiting to find out if they still have jobs by the end of the year.

There is no guarantee that news will come faster, weirder, or worse.