Several watch bands have been released in a wide range of colors and materials. More than 600 official Apple Watch bands have been released to date, and there is an app for browsing through them all.
Every official Apple Watch band's release date, model number, color, and price are provided by Bandbreite. You can keep track of bands that you already own with the app, as well as learn more about your collection, such as which colors you prefer most.
The app was updated this week to version 1.7 with a number of new features, including galleries of images for nearly every band, the ability to share statistics and insights about your Apple Watch band collection with others, and many other improvements. If you like the app, you can buy the developers a coffee.
Bandbreite was released in September 2020 by Filip Chudzinski and other Apple Watch band Collectors, Designers, and Software Engineers from multiple countries. There is a handy chart of bands available alongside the app, which was the idea of the app.