A new channel of online interaction is opened every day. A nightmare scenario for participating in any situation can be created by the endless social media landscape.

It's possible to dictate what's right and wrong with functions like quote and stitches on Tik Tok. It seems like there is no hesitation in telling someone how to live.

Rule videos have become popular in a time when young people are looking for answers on TikTok.

One of the most prolific rule posters is Eli Rallo, also known by her TikTok handle. One year later she tackled an absurd number of situations for her 569,900 followers, like "rules for liking yourself a little more" and "rules for going back to school" If you can imagine it, I've done it. I get a lot of comments from people who want to know if I can do rules for when I'm home sick. I have done a lot of things, but the amount of specificity I have received is out of control.

You don't have to worry about what you should do to stop yourself from texting someone you shouldn't be if you check Rallo's TikTok page.

Rallo said that structure and ways to make a shitty day better can really change your life after the Pandemic. The idea of structure and fun structure that didn't just look this is what you have to do to make your life better. Buy yourself a treat, you deserve it.

Kel McCall is a personal assistant in Toronto and she posts videos on TikTok because she wishes she was getting advice from a woman her age.

Their intentions are not to tell their viewers how to live their lives. Rallo's goal is to make people feel good about themselves. The genre wants to make the individual universal.

"Rule videos point to a deep uncertainty about what is right or wrong within these spaces, and how to connect with others," said the program director in communications and media at London College of Communication. "That might be in part to do overstimulation online, but it might also be due to this accelerated pace of exchange and the way in which that can make people a little socially dizzy." There are a lot of questions over what to do with the access that we have.

There is confusion over who is a friend and who is just an acquaintances with the blur of online and offline life. She created a point system that people could use to figure it out. "Go pee together" and "share a near death experience" are items on the list. People commented that they had no friends after watching the video. Rule videos offer a solution to uncertainty while playing into the desire to watch other people's behavior. Online, this kind of conduct is very common.

The Civilizing Process was written by a German sociologist who argued that etiquette guides were a sign of social transformation. Rule videos are similar to the guidelines of the TikTok Era. "Etiquette guides and guides on manners articulate things we often take for granted, but the people who are writing them are indicating that they're not necessarily taken for granted, which is why I think they're coming out at times of uncertainty about what it means to be a friend iquette and manners guides are often about social control.

The creation of parody videos on TikTok is a sign of a mainstream trend. You can find earnest rule videos on your FYP, but Dan Hentschel makes satirical ones as well. He explains in one how to be a good texter how to match your texting partner's enthusiasm, length of text, and use of punctuation.

The mental exhaustion that goes into figuring out how to interact with someone across medium is documented by Hentschel. Hentschel said that a lot of his videos are between satire and truth. A comment summed it up nicely: "Your videos are like if I listened to my worst impulses."

How outrageous can I make the premise of these videos, and people will admit to doing the behavior in the comments, is an accidental byproduct of my videos.

He understands the appeal of the trend despite poking fun at it. "There's people who struggle with social anxiety or just difficulty with social cues like me and you always wish that there was a rulebook, or it seems like everyone else is following a rule book," said Hentschel.

Rules on TikTok serve as a guide for users to understand the offline world, but by looking at information online it creates a culture of digital snooping. It makes sense to search for life's answers on your FYP with American teens spending upwards of an hour and a half a day on TikTok. Ask a friend first if you want to follow your favorite creator.