A man is in Ukrainian service.
Ukrainian defense ministrySince the Ukrainian army launched counteroffensives in eastern and southern Ukraine, the Russian army has lost 10 tanks every day. The losses of the Ukrainian army's tanks have been low.
There is a huge gap. An attacking army loses more equipment than a defending army because the attacker has to cross terrain and the defender can just hunker down.
As Russian losses pile up and the Ukrainians induct more and more equipment from foreign donors, the Russian army's advantage over the Ukrainian army has waned.
Russia's tank losses are more the result of leadership problems than they are the result of technological problems. The Russian tanks were abandoned by their crews and seized by the Ukrainians.
There are a lot of Russian tanks blowing up. Adding them to its own order of battle is what it is doing.
Even before the counteroffensives began, the Russian army had lost a lot. Outside analysts can confirm that 614 tanks were destroyed by the Russians by September 1st. Russia has five tanks a day since the beginning of the war.
Most armies have less than a thousand tanks. Heavy losses of fairly modern T-72s, T-80s and T-90s forced the Kremlin to pull old T-62s out of storage, replace rubber seals and polish their optics and haul them to the front lines.
The Ukrainian brigades that attacked in the south and east six weeks ago were not deterred by the aging T 62s. Russia lost a lot of armor to the geriatric tanks. The Russians had only lost one game. They lost 34 out of 30 when Ukrainian forces overran them.
The total number of Russian tank losses was 1,392.
The Ukrainian army had written off more than 200 tanks. For the first six months of the war, that is more than a tank. The Ukrainians lost two tanks a day as the brigades advanced. The Ukrainian army lost just over 300 tanks by October 19th.
In the last six weeks, the Ukrainians have lost 71 tanks and captured194. The counteroffensives resulted in a gain in armor holdings for the city. Russia has less modern tanks by the day as the war continues.