New COVID-19 strains are about to surge this winter, and their new names may inspire Musk, the prolific reproducer.
Billy Markus, co- creator of Dogecoin, posted a picture of an article featuring the names of a number of new COVID strains, which bears a resemblance to both X A-Xii and Exa Dark Siderl.
The new COVID variant was named after Musk. "XBB, Q. 1.1, and BA.2.75.2 are named after that variant," he said.
Musk replied that the headline was giving him "kid naming ideas" and that he had a laugh at it.
It wouldn't be the first time that the CEO of the two companies brought a joke to life.
The meme perfume, which is designed to smell like burnt hair, was a venture that started out as a joke, but now sells out.
Musk has at least nine kids and is showing no signs of slowing down, so it's not out of the question that he will have more than one child.
For our sakes and for the kids, let's hope that it doesn't go to that point.
In an interview with an anti-vaxxer, Grimes said that he Accidentally Reinvents Scientologists.