Humans have been fighting infections for a long time. Vaccines and drugs have been used to help people recover from viral diseases. We have been able to eliminate one disease.
Some viruses are more dangerous than others. The most lethal member of the family is the viral strain that caused the outbreak in West Africa.
There have been 20 of the worst epidemics and Pandemics.
There are other Viruses that are deadlier. The novel coronaviruses currently driving around the globe pose a serious threat to public health because they cause so many people to die.
The 12 worst killers are based on the likelihood that a person will die if they are exposed to one of them, the number of people they have killed and the threat they pose.
The Marburg virus was first identified by scientists in 1967, when lab workers in Germany were exposed to monkeys imported from Uganda. The symptoms of the Marburg virus are similar to the symptoms of the Ebola virus, which can cause shock, organ failure and death if you get it.
There was a Marburg virus outbreak in West Africa. A male from the south-western part of the country died of the disease after developing a number of symptoms. There were 170 high-risk contacts and only one case was confirmed during the six-week outbreak.
The first known outbreak of the disease in humans occurred in the Republic of the Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Africa. Blood or other body fluids can be used to transmit the disease. The known strains vary greatly in their deadlines, according to an expert.
The only strain that makes people sick is the one that's deadly to other primate. The human fatality rate is up to 25% for the Bundibugyo strain, and up to 85% for the Zaire strain.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Transmission, it killed 11,325 people during that time.
The Ervebo vaccine was approved by the FDA. The vaccine helps to defend against the Zaire ebola virus.
The introduction of the vaccine for pets in the 1920s helped to make the disease rare in the developed world, but it is still a problem in India and parts of Africa. According to the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, about 59,000 people die every year from the disease.
A mammal can be bitten or scratched by this virus. If a person is bitten, they need to get a vaccine to stop the disease. The brain and nerves will be damaged if they don't. According to the CDC, the virus has a 99% mortality rate once symptoms start to show.
It's a really bad disease and it destroys the brain. She said that if a person gets bitten by a rabid animal they can be treated.
There is a 100% chance that you will die if you don't get treatment.
HIV may be the most deadly virus of all time.
According to the spokesman for the Infectious Disease Society of America, it's still the biggest killer.
More than 30 million people have died from HIV since it was first discovered. The infectious disease that is taking the most toll on mankind is HIV.
It is possible for people with HIV to live for a long time with powerful drugs. Stem cell transplants have been used to cure the disease. Many low- and middle-income countries are devastated by the disease.
According to the WHO, there are over two-thirds of the people living with HIV in the world. There were 650,000 HIV-related deaths in the year 2011.
The world was free of the disease in 1980. According to the WHO, the more severe version of the disease,Variola major, killed about 30% of the people it affected before that happened. It left survivors scarred and blind.
The mortality rates in populations outside of Europe were higher than in Europe. Most of the native population of the Americas were killed by the introduction of smallpox. According to National Geographic, in the 20th century, 300 million people were killed by the disease.
The campaign to eradicate from the Earth was spurred by the fact that it had a huge burden on the planet.
Hantaviruses are a deadly disease for those who contract it, but it has killed a small number of people. According to the CDC, it gained a lot of attention in the US in 1993. A healthy young man and his fiancée died within a few days of each other. The hantaviruses were isolated from a deer mouse in the home of one of the people who had been exposed. According to the CDC, more than 833 people in the U.S. have contracted HPS as of the end of 2020 and more than 30% of them have died from the disease.
People contract the disease from being exposed to the droppings of mice that have been bitten by the virus.
The Korean War caused an outbreak of a different hantaviruses in the early 1950s. About 12% of the United Nations troops died as a result of their infections.
When the virus was discovered in the U.S., it was new to Western medicine, but researchers realized that it was related to a disease in the Native American community.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Influenza kills a small percentage of the people it affects. It is one of the leading killers in the world. Up to 650,000 people will die from the flu every year, according to the World Health Organization.
A new flu strain can emerge and cause a global outbreak. The new strains have higher mortality rates.
The Spanish flu was the most deadly flu of the 20th century and killed 50 million people.
There is a chance that the 1918 flu outbreak could happen again. If a new strain of flu found its way into the population, it would cause a lot of problems.
The first cases of the disease were in the Philippines and Thailand in the 1950's. It has spread throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. According to the journal Nature, up to 40% of the world's population now live in areas where the disease is endemic.
According to the World Health Organization, there are between 100 to 400 million people who are affected by the disease. The mortality rate of the virus is less than that of other viruses, but it can cause a disease similar to the one that killed people in West Africa. It is a real threat to us and we need to think more about it.
The Dengvaxia vaccine was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for use in children who have a history of the disease. In some countries, an approved vaccine is available for people who are 9 to 45 years old, but only if they have been exposed to the disease in the past. If given the vaccine, people who haven't caught the disease before could be at risk of developing it.
According to a council dedicated to widespread use of rotaviruses vaccines, about 200,000 children are killed by the disease every year in Nigeria and India.
The fecal-oral route is where the virus can spread quickly.
Children in the developed world are less likely to die from an infectious disease thanks to vaccines. In the developing world, rehydration treatments are not often used.
According to the WHO, there are more than 25 million outpatient visits and 2 million hospitalizations every year due to rotaviruses. The introduction of the vaccine has led to a decline in the number of hospitalizations and deaths.
There are two vaccines that can be given to children to protect them from the disease.
During an outbreak in China in 2003 the WHO identified the virus that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. According to the Journal of Virology, bats and civets may have been the first places the virus appeared. According to the CDC, after the outbreak in China, the disease spread to 26 countries and killed more than 700 people.
The disease causes a range of symptoms, including body ache, chills, and inflammation of the lungs, which can lead to pneumonia. According to the CDC, there have been no new cases of the disease in the last decade.
The disease caused by the virus COVID-19 has become the leading cause of death since it exploded onto the scene in 2020. At least 626 million people have been affected by the virus and at least 6.57 million have died from it.
In December of last year, the same large family of viruses as SARS-CoV, known as coronaviruses, was identified in the Chinese city of the same name. According to a study in the journal Nature, bats may have been the source of the virus.
A worldwide effort to develop diagnostics, treatments and vaccines was launched after the initial outbreak.
It is difficult to estimate the number of people who die after being exposed to an infectious disease. A study in the journal The Lancet estimated that 20% of the people who were exposed to the virus over the age of 90 had died.
According to the World Health Organization, the virus poses a higher risk to people with underlying health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure or obese. More serious symptoms include breathing difficulties, chest pain, and loss of mobility, as well as common symptoms.
There are a number of vaccines approved for use in both children and adults. According to the CDC, these vaccines reduce the chance of death and disease.
In 2012 and 2015, there was an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in Saudi Arabia. About a third of people diagnosed with it die from it. The virus has only killed 858 people, because it is hard to spread between people.
According to the World Health Organization (opens in new tab), the disease can cause a cough, a high temperature, and even death if it is passed into humans.
Like its less lethal cousins, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome is deadly due to its progress to severe pneumonia. There is no cure for this disease. It's best to wash your hands regularly, avoid contact with camels, and not consume products with raw animal milk.