Astronomers observed aGW signal in August of last year that was caused by the merger of two stars. 70 ground and space based observatories studied the aftermath of this event. This is the first time that astronomy has observed a merger of a pair of stars. Astronomers theorize that the merger resulted in a black hole because of the amount of energy released.

The remnant was observed by the Hubble Space Telescope two years later and it was found to be consistent with a black hole. It would take several more years for scientists to get a full picture of what happened. A group of researchers used data from Hubble and several radio observatories to find a disk of material around a black hole.

The team consisted of experts in Time Domain and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics. Mooley and Anderson are both Observatory Scientists with the Space Telescope Science Institute. Lu is an associate professor at UC Berkeley. Their paper was published in the October 13th edition of Nature.

As the Universe changes over time, multipleessengers are used to study it. Mooley, Anderson, and Lu used optical data from Hubble and radio observations from several National Science Foundation telescopes to make their decision. They used the data from the Gaia satellite to estimate the black hole's position.

They were able to combine the afterglow's light curve and measurement of its relative motion since it was first discovered. They were able to locate the explosion site because of the data combined with the black hole. The material was pulled into a rapidly spinning disk that caused superluminous jets to emit from the poles that crashed through the debris cloud.

Mooley said he was amazed that Hubble could give him such a precise measurement. The radio observations show that the jet decelerated to an apparent speed of four times the speed of light after it had an apparent speed of seven times the speed of light. As a jet approaches Earth at nearly the speed of light, light emits later has a shorter distance to travel.

A jet chases its own light, and more time has passed between it and the light it emits than the observer can see. The object's speed appears to be moving faster than the light's speed, which is impossible. Mooley and his colleagues obtained estimates of the jet's speed that showed it was travelling at close to the speed of light. The jet was moving at the speed of light when it was launched, according to the results.

Artist’s impression of a black hole surrounded by superheated material and a relativistic jet. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser

The long-presumed connection between star mergers and GRBs is strengthened by these findings. They paved the way for future studies of superluminous jets. One of the biggest mysteries in astronomy is the rate at which the universe is expanding.

The estimates of the local Universe and the early Universe are different. The former value is based on extremely precise observations by Hubble, which are a highly accurate method for distance-keeping. The value is based on the measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background by the Planck satellite.

Astronomers could use a combination of theoretical modeling and radio data to measure the expansion of the universe. Next- generation telescopes like the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (RST), Hubble's most direct successor, will benefit from using these methods.

There is further reading on NASA.