Hey everybody. There is a combo issue this Tuesday morning and afternoon and evening. We have been busy preparing for the Hot Pod Summit and wondering if the future of audio in the metaverse has any legs.

There are rumors of a long-awaited Hifi plan, a big ad move from YouTube, and some headphones. Ariel has some exciting news to share.

The hot Pod Summit LA is coming up very soon.

The Hot Pod Summit LA is only two weeks away, and we have some excellent additionalPanelists to announce. We will be joined by them.

Sandy Girard is the executive vice president of programming and production at Crooked Media.

I am very excited to see you all soon for a day of conversations about some of the biggest topics of the day. If you have a pending invite, act now because tickets are almost sold out.

On Air Fest's LA Annex is a three day event celebrating Los Angeles' audio storytellers. Sam Sanders, host of Into It and creator of Welcome to Night Vale, is going to be at On Air Fest in November. You can find information about On Air LA Annex here.

Is there a new service coming on the market?

It seems like it could happen. A user who had just canceled their subscription to the music service posted a picture of a survey they received. The survey asked if they would be interested in changing to a $19.99-per-month Platinum plan, which comes with all kinds of new features, such as limited podcasts ads, better library management, and Hifi.

It is not yet an option under the streamer's plans, and theScreenshot may not even be the final version. Several variations of the Platinum plan were included in the survey, including one that would require access to audiobooks for a higher price, according to a colleague of mine. The company didn't want to comment.

Hifi will most likely be part of the plan if Platinum ends up looking like it. Users have been wondering what is taking so long since the first announcement of a HiFi tier. Apple Music and Amazon Music have both made audio quality a priority. I will be interested to see what the new tools look like, as charging extra for what is a perk on other services might not be enough to convince users to pay double.

Anthony Scaramucci is the first guest on Andrew Cuomo's show.

The best thing about podcasting is its low barrier to entry, and the worst thing about it is that it's hard to get into. Sara spoke to the disgraced former governor of New York.

Jake will get a few more updates.

More audio ads are on the way.

There are a lot of podcasts ads on the site. The company announced this week that it is moving audio ads out of the testing phase and will allow advertisers to target specific segments of the audience. Today's 15-second audio ads are being replaced by 30-second ones.

One of the top destinations for listening to podcasts is shown in the launch. Over the past year, the company has started to embrace that position, launching aPodcast hub, funding creators who want to film their shows, and hiring a leader for its podcasts efforts.

There were limited options when it came to the audio ads. With today's expansion, advertisers in the US will be able to dial in on specific podcasts audiences.

There are many deals that ignore platform lock-in in favor of ad-sales agreements, and I think YouTube's moves here could be the beginning of something bigger. When it comes to ad targeting and insert, YouTube is ahead of the game because of its platform control. There is a tech present. Advertisers need to be on board to make it happen.

The new iPad has a jack for headphones.

Apple introduced a new iPad this morning and it has no option for plugging in wired headphones. The more expensive Air and Pro models already dropped the port a while back. The entry-level version of the device is eventually going to be the new model.

Parents in New York City often give their kids an iPad and a pair of wired headphones to keep them entertained while they wait in line or sit on the subway. The iPad with a headphone jack is still on sale. I think we are a few years away from parents having to figure out a new way to entertain their children. The iPad could be a harder platform for shows to be consumed on if this is true.

We are going to see you on Thursday.

The latest title was updated on October 18th.