The company has yet to publicly acknowledge the incident in which a worker was severely injured when a valve exploded.

According to a report from a new news site, Francisco Cadaba, who had been with the company for ten years, sustained life threatening injuries to his head, extremities, and respiratory system.

Cadaba was comatose for months and is unable to communicate or survive without help.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fined the company $18,450 for two safety violations, one of which was the highest order of penalty.

The former employees worry that Cadaba's family may not be compensated for his inability to work for the rest of his life, because the company has not made an announcement about his status.

In the meantime, Cadaba's family have relied on the charity of his co-workers who have donated over $51,000.

Breaking Things

Cadaba's case is indicative of the philosophy behind many private space companies, which often overlook the lives and safety of workers.

"move fast and break things" is the philosophy of the space industry.

"breaking things" at a software company doesn't mean putting your life at risk, but a private space company can be much more dangerous."

In bulk quantities, there are flammable liquids on site, according to the senior safety manager at the company. Oxygen deficient atmospheres can be created by high pressure gasses and Cryogenics. Commodities are very dangerous.

Musk Mindset

Musk has been a fan of the Silicon Valley ethos. Musk said a high production rate cures many ills.

Cadaba's tragic workplace injury shows that that approach can come with a human cost.

The OSHA's and the workers' compensation investigations are still going on.

There was an accident at the space company.

After officials told him he couldn't give free Starlink to Ukraine anymore, he said he couldn't.